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USA's Oracle wins America's cup down 8-1


Aug 6, 2011
ORACLE TEAM USA stages massive comeback to win 34th America’s Cup.
These boats are pretty damn amazing.. USA was down 8 races to 1 and won the last eight races to win the series 9-8... A historic comeback!!!!

Plus they were penalized in a cheating scandal after races one and two which they won ( I think) and had to win 11 races overall.. man these boats are so different then they were 10-15-20 years ago. you can read about it below and see the video highlights....


ESPN's link.
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These boats are so cool but way to expensive.. Only 3 challengers because the boats cost to much.. Ellison (team USA's billionaire owner) said he is nor sure if the race will be in San Francisco again in 3 years or off the Island he owns 98% of in Hawaiian island in 2012. I think he was joking...rich guys with choices I guess. lol
the boat was mostly built in New Zeland. The captain and much of the crew are from Aulstrailia. USA! USA! USA!