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Batman: Arkham City


Aug 1, 2011
Northern Michigan Wildcats
Detroit Tigers
Detroit Red Wings
Michigan Wolverines
I enjoyed the first, anyone else looking forward? October 18 release.

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Don't say meh in my thread. At least its no pansy fps game.
To each his own.. I've never really cared for action games like the prior Batman game, God of War 3, or Infamous, or anything like that... Things of that nature don't really do it for me. I need something other than just pushing through a story line and not gaining anything from it. Upgrading weapons, XP, perks, upgradable weapons and in general a wide open game that you can spend more than 50 hrs on and never get bored do it for me. Fallout 3, New Vegas, Oblivion, Boarderlands, Fable 2 was cool 3 didn't have the replay ability but was still fun.. Red Dead Redemption was dope.. GTA IV of course..
I like open world games too. Mass Effect 2 I played over 100 hours. But sometimes there isn't always an option for a game like that. And Infamous, you don't have to rush to the ending. You can play and play without going through the story.
Never got into the Mass effect franchise. A lot of my friends say it was great.
Yes, I am fucking jacked up for this game! I very much look forward to this one, MW3, Halo 4, and the remake of Halo:Combat Evolved for this year....problem is, I will do as I always do, buy them and let them sit 3 yrs b4 I play them, lol. Me and my little guy have a game empire of like 250 games on like 6 different systems and only play like 4 games.
I remember when i got the board game risk when i was 12, 1977. I first opened in 1993. Lol. I learned to love it and one of my favorites these days.
Just got this game shipped to me through Game Fly today. Should get it by Wednesday. Looks better than the first which I liked so we'll see.
loved the first one....shit was creepy. Ill probably wait to get this one til after mortgage is due -.-
I bought Arkham city a few days ago - have been playing it pretty steadily since then.

I didnt play the first game, but I really like this one. The open world is really detailed and the hand to hand combat battles are actually pretty rewarding.

I give the game a 9 out of 10 so far.
I heard that this is a wonderful game, but the problem is while it's open world, it's single player as well.. I prefer my single player experiences to have some RPG elements as well as it makes campaign longer and adds other strategies to the gameplay.. From what I hear, it takes a couple to a few playthroughs to fully complete the game, and for 60 bucks I think that's too much.. I might wait until this hits the bargain bin at 20 bucks,, I just feel that a game is only justifiable at that price if it has more replay value..
I've been playing a lot since Wednesday and i love it. I finished the main story earlier this AM but there is still so much to do still. Finish Cat Woman's line, deal with Riddlers stuff, two face, deadshot, Zsasz etc. When I finished the main story I was at 41% done. Btw, the main story ending is freakin' sweet.

The voice acting is incredible I thought, especially Joker. Though, ironically, the one I liked the least was Batman.
Hey Mitch - How do you solve the Riddlers clues?

Ive saved two of the people, but I'm supposed to solve some more riddles before I get the location of the next person.

I see them on the map but when I get to the area I dont know what I am supposed to do.

Have you figured it out?
You have to get trphies and once you get enough use that device where you listen in on the Riddler station. He'll give you a clue, and on the other device will need to match one word to the other and guess the right phrase. Once done you get w location so save more hostages. I haven't done them all.
Love the game so far but I kind of think the first one is better had a creepier vibe to it that's why I love DC. Marvel is for girly geeky men. I'm 48% done still got alot of trophies to get and some side missions.
Its hard to choose which one is better because I think they're different kinds of games. Btw, Batman in Arkham City seems to enjoy killing people. He's certainly has a dark side. But still a great game and some of those thugs have some great lines.
i just beat arkham asylum and i plan on picking this up as soon as i have the spare cash.
I'm about halfway through Asylum, and it's fun - but the problem with Arkham City is it came out at the same time as Skyrim.

So now I'm not playing Asylum at all, and not gonna get City either until I'm bored of Skyrim - which I don't see happening anytime soon.

Supposed to be beta testing SWTOR this weekend too...