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I need voting advice


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Despite claiming to be in favor of "small government" that doesn't "get involved in people's business," I'm a pro-life christian who is in favor of the government getting involved in the people's business related to their reproductive choices & family planning, denying them the access to safe abortions performed by licensed medical doctors.

Also, despite being a "pro-life" christian, I am unfamiliar with the actual teachings of Jesus Christ related to mercy, forgiveness, and non-violence, and so am strongly in favor of executing criminals, even when there are questions related to the proof of their guilt, evidence the prosecution may have tampered with the evidence against them, or evidence that the prosecution may have bribed witnesses to testify against them in court, and I am aware this happens regularly, with FIFTY-FOUR (54) exonerated death row inmates nationwide in the last decade alone.

In fact, I don't really have a problem with executing innocent people, since I'm not really too concerned it could happen to me, or someone I know, although if it did, I would certainly change my mind about all this, since I'm a selfish, ignorant clod who doesn't really think things all the way through.

Which Republican candidate should I vote for?
If you make annually 200K you should be a republican, it will help you. If you make under that amount you should be a democrat, it will help you.
It really depends on your strength in the beliefs on each issue. You're almost certain to disagree on at least a couple issues with every candidate. As far as republican candidates go that are pro-death penalty, anti-abortion, and for smaller government, that sounds like Sarah Palin and maybe Mitt Romney.

I personally can't stomach Palin, Bachmann, Perry, or any of the other clowns they are trotting out lately, so I'm not going to sit here and tell you to support them.

I'm Ron Paul guy myself. He's the biggest small government proponent you'll find, he's an OB-GYN and is against abortion and the death penalty. You have to give a lot of his views some thought because the media likes to twist them oversimplify them for the idiot American TV audience. A lot of his stances are centered around limiting the government's involvement in issues beyond the scope of the power granted by the founding fathers. Also, the media likes to flatly ignore him despite his winning of most debate and straw polls, so it makes it tougher to find out about him.
Huntsman....the only republican i'd vote for after Obama. I want to love Obama like i did in his campaign but it seems he's lost his balls.
[color=#551A8B said:
Rich what? Richmond![/color]]He is kinda strapped, not being able to get stuff passed

true, but leaders get shit done. He should never have let the bush tax cuts for the rich be renewed. The poor and middle class could have kept their bush tax rates, but the rich have absolutely no need for them. The right learned that whenever they have a disagreement with obama, they can stick with it and eventually he caves and then his party caves.
after watching that debate last night....you Americans better hope to god none of those birds gets in the White House.

the best Repub out there is Chris Christie but he won't run until "16.

Obama is going to get a 2nd term....if just by default.
SLICK said:
after watching that debate last night....you Americans better hope to god none of those birds gets in the White House.

the best Repub out there is Chris Christie but he won't run until "16.

Obama is going to get a 2nd term....if just by default.

christie's a piece of shit too.
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
SLICK said:
after watching that debate last night....you Americans better hope to god none of those birds gets in the White House.

the best Repub out there is Chris Christie but he won't run until "16.

Obama is going to get a 2nd term....if just by default.

christie's a piece of shit too.

get used to him....they're going tho shove him down your throat.

just elected Vice Chair of the National Governors Assoc....he's their guy in 2016 if they lose in 2012.
Honestly, people who can't decide on their own what issues and stances are best suited to their beliefs by which candidate.....probably don't deserve a vote.
Ron Paul is easily the most consistent of the Republicans.

Abortion, guns, and religion should not be things taken into consideration when voting for a candidate though. (I know only abortion was brought up) Those things can really only be changed by an amendment to the constitution. They are brought up as a red herring in my opinion. "Vote for me, I am against abortion. (I can't do anything about it but....)"

If you are set on voting for a republican, Paul would probably be the only true small government type.

It also seems like the capital punishment is a big thing for you. Perry fits that bill.
hockeywings said:
Ron Paul is easily the most consistent of the Republicans.

Abortion, guns, and religion should not be things taken into consideration when voting for a candidate though. (I know only abortion was brought up) Those things can really only be changed by an amendment to the constitution. They are brought up as a red herring in my opinion. "Vote for me, I am against abortion. (I can't do anything about it but....)"

If you are set on voting for a republican, Paul would probably be the only true small government type.

It also seems like the capital punishment is a big thing for you. Perry fits that bill.

What? Lol.

I know Slick said Obama by default for another term but with his shit numbers he would get beat by just about anyone. Unless maybe the chick. Whether you like it or not, expect a new President.
I was giving him an opinion of the republican side of the field. Obama almost guaranteed wins the next election because the republicans have shit for a field.

But, like I said, out of the republicans, Ron Paul is easily the most consistent. Romney had his mandated health care in his state. Bachmann sucks off the government tit for their clinics, Perry thinks social security is a ponze scheme, wait no he doesn't, wait he wrote it in his book.
hockeywings said:
I was giving him an opinion of the republican side of the field. Obama almost guaranteed wins the next election because the republicans have shit for a field.

But, like I said, out of the republicans, Ron Paul is easily the most consistent. Romney had his mandated health care in his state. Bachmann sucks off the government tit for their clinics, Perry thinks social security is a ponze scheme, wait no he doesn't, wait he wrote it in his book.

And who was Obama before he won. Nothing, just a black man.