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documentary on Christian marathoner "coached by God" ends predictably...


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
...in Fraud and Embezzlement (what else could it have been?):
"More than two years after it exceeded its fundraising goal and collected more than $57,000, the film is not yet finished. And no, there is no end in sight.

"We're still filming," Jeffreys wrote, "and we'll continue filming until the story concludes. It hasn't concluded yet


What that conclusion will be is anyone's guess. Jeffreys hitched his fortune to Hall just before America's number one marathoner began a slow circle around the toilet. Originally set to document Hall's journey to the 2012 Olympics, he then dropped out of the Olympic Marathon with an injury, withdrew from his next three marathons over the next year and a half, and limped across the 2014 Boston Marathon in 20th place. There is no ending because nothing has gone right from the project's start."
I hadn't heard of this Hall guy before, but his trajectory is hilarious (unless you're a true believer) (this background on him is from 2012 before things went south):
Oh yeah: Hall's coach is God, the Almighty. He split with his previous coach, a human being named Terrence Mahon, in late 2010. A few months after, in Boston, Hall ran a sub-2:05 marathon, making him the only American ever to do so and seeming to vindicate his approach.

So he's moved away from Mammoth Lakes, Calif., where the rest of the Olympic team trains. Lately, he's been attending classes at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, where students learn "how to cast out demons, witness, heal the sick, prophesy, preach, pray, practice His presence and much more," according to the school's website. Among the miracles that members of the Bethel Church say they experience during spiritually intense moments are clouds of gold dust floating down from above.

His races since the Boston triumph have been solid but uneven, but Hall has stuck to his path. He doesn't keep track of how many miles he runs; he works out and rests when God tells him to. The resting, in particular, tends to worry some people who pay attention to running: Hall, 29, said he is running fewer miles than he has since high school, when he burst onto the scene as California state cross-country champion.
So his running career is mostly over now. from here, I think there's a 50/50 chance he either goes on to collect religious "welfare," becoming a minister or motivational speaker on the megachurch circuit... or ends up an alcoholic or meth/oxycotin addict.