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2024 Election

And your credentials in the field are?

A human being with a measure of common sense.

I'll admit that I don't know anything about the issue. That's why I also don't think it's my place to be trying to dictate what treatments the professionals can and can't provide.

Cutting off body parts does not change the sex of a person.

Funny how Republicans are all about keeping the government out of people's lives right up to the point where people are doing things they don't like.

I wouldn't know; I'm not "Republican". And you missed my point: government will intervene to circumvent the will of the parents in favor of that of a teenager, whose rights are limited, and should not include that of self-alteration of their bodies.
I don't. But there should be some regulations in place. People can't drive until 16, drink til 21. There are good reasons for this.

There are plenty of guidelines and standards in place, you should try familiarizing yourself with them. Also, we are talking about hundreds of cases per year so just maybe there are more important issues the right wing should be focused on.
There are plenty of guidelines and standards in place, you should try familiarizing yourself with them. Also, we are talking about hundreds of cases per year so just maybe there are more important issues the right wing should be focused on.

Some evils you need to stop ASAP. Unless you have a specific marginal number in mind.

For the parents of those affected, and for the affected themselves, that number is 1.
Some evils you need to stop ASAP. Unless you have a specific marginal number in mind.

For the parents of those affected, and for the affected themselves, that number is 1.

Your magic invisible sky wizard thanks you for your service.
Wow, so now drag queens and trans people are the same thing. Just goes to show how ignorant you actually are.

That's what your side thinks - I don't think any of and of those letters fit together neatly with the others.

And just like with everything else, you and the rest of the far right nut jobs know better when it comes to treating people with gender dysphoria than the actual experts in the field.

But hey, keep proving that you have every single far right talking point on speed dial just waiting for a chance to use them. Such a free thinker you are. :hehe:

Again, the experts don't all agree on this. I agree with the experts who follow the science and oppose your "experts" who are mostly activists with some kind of useless sociology degree, not actual scientists.
https://www.gendergp.com/new-study-...nd that 99.7% of,period between 2016 and 2021.

Even if you discount that study, others show the rates to be in the 90% range.


Regardless of any study, why do you think you have a right to get involved in the health care decisions of other families?

These studies are highly flawed and they've been debunked by actual experts.

There are no long range studies that support the procedures because until very recently, we were a sane country that didn't mutilate the healthy genitals of minors or prescribe cross hormone therapy or puberty blockers for people with mental illness.

We do know that of the adults who have had gender transformation surgery, suicide rates do not decrease at all. We also know, 88% of children with gender dysphoria when not given medical intervention end up identifying as the gender assigned to them at birth by the time they finish high school. We also know that 60% of them ultimately realize they're just gay. We also know that unscrupulous doctors and hospitals are looking at gender transformation for minors as a new profit center - all this is verified fact.

This isn't coming from me, I only know these things because I don't just accept a study with a headline that confirms my bias. If something doesn't make sense, you dig deeper and you quickly learn this is garbage being passed of as science by activists and unethical people who happily profit from other people's misery.
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There are plenty of guidelines and standards in place, you should try familiarizing yourself with them. Also, we are talking about hundreds of cases per year so just maybe there are more important issues the right wing should be focused on.

the numbers are skyrocketing. This is something we need to put standards in place for right now, by standards I mean the sane people need to step up and put a stop to this heinous child abuse.
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Have you read any analysis of the studies or are you one of those idiots you can get to believe anything by starting with "a study shows..."

I've seen plenty to know that the experts in the field are in a much better place to determine the best course of action for kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria. If that includes having surgery before they complete puberty, then so be it.

Now go ahead and spew your nonsense about how you know better because your magic invisible sky wizard touched your soul and told you to hate those trans kids! :tup:
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I've seen plenty to know that the experts in the field are in a much better place to determine the best course of action for kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria. If that includes having surgery before they complete puberty, then so be it.

Now go ahead and spew your nonsense about how you know better because your magic invisible sky wizard touched your soul and told you to hate those trans kids! :tup:

Plenty? Those studies you posted didn't involve any children. Do you think maybe there's a difference? And did you read either study? Do you know the first study only surveyed people up to 14 months post surgery - regret usually manifests years later for adults. Do you know that both studies had response rates of 50% or less and one study (the second) showed overall satisfaction at just 65% (and that's on people less than 5 years post surgery)?

So what are these experts basing their justification for carving up children on? Or do you no need to know? Is it enough that they wear white jacket and call themselves experts?

I'm not saying I know better. I'm saying doctors and biologists who have published on this and reivewed these "studies" know better. It doesn't take much more than common sense to look at both sides and know which side to come down on. you should try it some day.

Now go ahead and post some more emojis and insults about sky wizards (no one has envoked God or religion in this conversation by the way, it's about science - for my side anyway) and don't forget to claim the science is settled because you found someone that wears a labcoat who wants to make money chopping up kids with mental disorders.
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I'm not saying I know better. I'm saying doctors and biologists who have published on this and reivewed these "studies" know better. It doesn't take much more than common sense to look at both sides and know which side to come down on. you should try it some day.

Now go ahead and post some more emojis and insults about sky wizards (no one has envoked God or religion in this conversation by the way, it's about science - for my side anyway) and don't forget to claim the science is settled because you found someone that wears a labcoat who wants to make money chopping up kids with mental disorders.

Funny because I just happened to catch an interview on CNN with a father and their trans son just 20 minutes ago. They both say how wrong it is to deny care to people until after they're 18. Oh and by the way, he's a republican and a former lawmaker.

But sure, you and your cherry picked tiny sample size are the real truth. As with every other issue, you ignore what you don't like and amplify what agrees with your twisted beliefs.

Yeah, I'm going to continue mocking you for your silly ass belief in invisible sky wizards. Maybe your parents should have let you watch wrestling and maybe you would have turned out normal.

edit: oops, forgot the emojis. Lets go with something new. :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:
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Traitor! What what the America Hating Republic Party does now. He?s a f*CKING traitor!
Obstruction of justice, making false statements, espionage act violations (willfully retaining national defense secrets). 7 counts.

He?s a traitor to America. Pure scum and I hope he gets what the Rosenbergs got for the same thing.