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Tigers vs. orioles ALDS Game 2 October 3

Yeah with tomorrow off Sanchez needed to be stretched out...
I would have let him pitch until he got in trouble. If that meant he went 4IP and finished the game out, so be it. He's a way better option than anybody else out there right now.
Honestly, have you ever seen anything like this joke of a pen your entire life?

This team is 100% done

Nope, this is the biggest joke team I've ever seen, I think i'm going to retire now from being an avid fan and watching all the tiger games. I no longer care, I guess that's just how it has to be. oh well.
I think our only chance at this series is to short rest Max and JV for games 4 and 5 and put Rick in the pen. Only use Rick and Sanchez to get it to Nathan. Fuck the rest of these clowns in the pen.
I think our only chance at this series is to short rest Max and JV for games 4 and 5 and put Rick in the pen. Only use Rick and Sanchez to get it to Nathan. Fuck the rest of these clowns in the pen.

waste of time brad will find away to fuck it up anyway, it's over, done.. they are done, max and victor won't be back next year either so it's really over. the window is closed.
Nope, this is the biggest joke team I've ever seen, I think i'm going to retire now from being an avid fan and watching all the tiger games. I no longer care, I guess that's just how it has to be. oh well.

I knew going into the playoffs we stood no chance of advancing to the WS, but I thought we would beat the Orioles, looks like I was wrong. I will stubbornly tune in every game because I love the Tigers but I'm done getting my hopes up, I just knew we would find a way to blow this game.
This team is screwed, doesn't matter what we do. the team has no chance unless some mix of our starters can pitch all 9 innings. it's being proven in this series that no lead is safe with this collective group of useless bums out of the pen.
I mean Joba has no fastball...He is a damn slider lover....Pretty obvious he has lost it since the break..
Give me a break G... Just get the first pitch off the plate... Use a damn fastball not a
79MPH cookie....

mlive said it was a 79 mph slider btw..
Bullshit...Use your damn fast ball and make sure it is unhittable...
Move his feet. Off the plate I don't freaking care..
How many times did the announcers say delmon swings at the
first pitch. was it 5 or 100? :/

they knew.
we knew.
our pitcher didn't :/ wtf?

I agree. I'm just saying that Soria is horrible.
At least Miggy was pissed in the dugout...for what that is worth...
Avila, Romine, and Careera coming up.

na, we subbed in our power off the bench:

perez, romine, suarez.

Os BP comes in and shuts us down. Their depth gets put in the lineup and scores 4 runs in late innings.

DETs BP comes in and does what it always does. Our offensive subs come in and do what they always do....nothing.
You learn more by losing than by winning badly. If DD doesn't get a good bullpen together this offseason, his job needs to be had. Simple as that. We might have won last night too if it wasn't for the pen. It was just 1 run game. We'd be 1-1 for sure and possibly 2-0. Ausmus can go too, but DD is going to give him all the credit for our playoff appearance.
na, we subbed in our power off the bench:

perez, romine, suarez.

Os BP comes in and shuts us down. Their depth gets put in the lineup and scores 4 runs in late innings.

DETs BP comes in and does what it always does. Our offensive subs come in and do what they always do....nothing.

It really is all on DD.... What a colossal failure starting from the Fister deal last off season....
We need a manager who understand roles can be switched up. The idea that Joba always get's the 8th and Nathan always gets the 9th in a save situation has cost us a shitload of games in the regular season as well.

Alberquerque has a .161 opp BA for August/September. And a 1.93 ERA in the second half. Good thing he's collecting splinters on the bench.
You learn more by losing than by winning badly. If DD doesn't get a good bullpen together this offseason, his job needs to be had. Simple as that. We might have won last night too if it wasn't for the pen. It was just 1 run game. We'd be 1-1 for sure and possibly 2-0. Ausmus can go too, but DD is going to give him all the credit for our playoff appearance.

I agree this poor team starts with DD period...It starts with the shit he got in return for Fister.. I really Poor bench.... horrible Pen.....ect.ect.ect..
Joba wont be back, thank god. Could never stand that clown. I doubt Coke returns. Soria and Nathan will unfortunately be back.