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China Hates Los Angeles Basketball Players


Aug 2, 2011
Got to feel bad for LeBron James, stranded in his luxury hotel room there in China because some inconsiderate asshole in management on an NBA team twittered some mean shit about the Chinese government.

Maybe he was nervous because two years ago Chinese authorities arrested and held three UCLA basketball players for no reason at all.

Oh wait a minute-now I?m remembering-they weren?t arrested and held for no reason at all-they were arrested and held because they went to China and stole shit!

Wasn?t that a dumb waste of political capital on Ttump?s part, bailing those entitled little shits ? little is figurative, of course they?re not little, they?re basketball players ? out the way he did?

He should have let their asses stay there and rot in jail, just like any criminal would.

Hey, newsflash, I have an absolutely fool proof way of not being arrested and held in China for stealing shit.

It?s ?don?t go to China and steel shit.?
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a lot of weird angles to this...

Groups that are normally all "USA! USA!" are muted, to say the least, as far as I can tell.

American Billionaires have more in common with Chinese Billionaires than they do with other Americans, though.
Adam Silver whining to the American press about how they lost a lot of money because of this is supposed to inspire... sympathy for him and the owners &... players??

The four professional sports leagues, plus to a lesser extent the MLS, are basically monopolies protected by US law. If they can't make enough money operating monopolies in the largest economy/market on the planet, there probably isn't anything they can do right.

‘Woke’ idiocy comes full circle.

The Chinese Communist Party says that criticizing LeBron James over his anti-free speech, pro-Beijing stance is racist.
You knew it was coming.

Following Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey tweeting his support for the Hong Kong protesters, James said that Morey “wasn’t educated on the situation at hand and he spoke.”

Siding with his Communist paymasters, who forced the NBA into a groveling apology after Morey’s tweet, the basketball star added that free speech had negative “ramifications.”
Now the government-run China Daily, a mouthpiece for the Communist Party, has backed LeBron, asserting that criticism of him is a racist dogwhistle.

An editorial published by the newspaper claimed James’ detractors were using “nasty racial connotations” to attack him.

The irony of course is delectable; Here you have one of the biggest human rights abusers on the planet, a regime that literally puts Muslims in concentration camps, pandering to ‘woke’ progressive identity race politics in order to trash free speech.

The fact that much of corporate America has aligned itself with this regime only underscores how fundamentally disingenuous and vacuous ‘wokeness’ really is.

The very first way LeBron said that Morey’s comments hurt him and others was “financial” and he managed to work in “spiritual” in there somehow. China’s a brutal, merciless, invasive state and everyone knows this, but no one can say it in public. Or, if they do, there are severe repercussions. From all sides.
The very first way LeBron said that Morey?s comments hurt him and others was ?financial? and he managed to work in ?spiritual? in there somehow. China?s a brutal, merciless, invasive state and everyone knows this, but no one can say it in public. Or, if they do, there are severe repercussions. From all sides.

Trump knows it but is not in a position to say it 100% directly. But he's the only "politician," if you will, with the balls to take them on and do what has to be done. And he will get it done. Imagine the Chicoms delight if Biden, Warren, Sanders, or any other democrat lackey worms their way into the Oval. Trump is their worst nightmare.
Trump knows it but is not in a position to say it 100% directly. But he's the only "politician," if you will, with the balls to take them on and do what has to be done. And he will get it done. Imagine the Chicoms delight if Biden, Warren, Sanders, or any other democrat lackey worms their way into the Oval. Trump is their worst nightmare.

There was a local talk show host in the DET market who was warning his listeners about China in the 1980s. Most of what he prognosticated has come to pass. Some of his other viewpoints were not aligned with mine, but he was right about that.
There was a local talk show host in the DET market who was warning his listeners about China in the 1980s. Most of what he prognosticated has come to pass. Some of his other viewpoints were not aligned with mine, but he was right about that.

Did he predict that American capital & management would shift production and manufacturing to China in order to undermine the hard-won bargaining power of American union labor and workers, thereby keeping more of the immediate profits for themselves, without regard to any long term concerns?

and the US government - regardless of what political party headed it at the time - continuously allowed this to happen because our political institutions are so corrupted they can easily be bought by whatever interests are chasing short term profits at that moment?

OR was he just some xenophobic blowhard, and this was more of a "broken clock is right twice a day" situation?
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Did he predict that American capital & management would shift production and manufacturing to China in order to undermine the hard-won bargaining power of American union labor and workers, thereby keeping more of the immediate profits for themselves, without regard to any long term concerns?

and the US government - regardless of what political party headed it at the time - continuously allowed this to happen because our political institutions are so corrupted they can easily be bought by whatever interests are chasing short term profits at that moment?

OR was he just some xenophobic blowhard, and this was more of a "broken clock is right twice a day" situation?

It was already beginning to happen then, so there was nothing to predict and he was opposed to it and with any trade activity with China. He was also a strident atheist, so you'd have hit it off. His main concern was China's military and their track record of stealing technology and intelligence.
It was already beginning to happen then, so there was nothing to predict and he was opposed to it and with any trade activity with China. He was also a strident atheist, so you'd have hit it off. His main concern was China's military and their track record of stealing technology and intelligence.

Whoa! really?

sounds cool. but if my embarrassingly conservative, Catholic parents caught me listening to an atheist back then, they would've shipped me off to some catholic reform school, and god knows what horrible things would've happened to me there. yikes. perish the thought...

but what was this guy's name? is he still around?
Whoa! really?

sounds cool. but if my embarrassingly conservative, Catholic parents caught me listening to an atheist back then, they would've shipped me off to some catholic reform school, and god knows what horrible things would've happened to me there. yikes. perish the thought...

but what was this guy's name? is he still around?

His name was Mark Scott, and he died in 2005. Libertarian to the marrow. Marine no longer in the Corps. Ardent Objectivist. Pulled no punches.
His name was Mark Scott, and he died in 2005. Libertarian to the marrow. Marine no longer in the Corps. Ardent Objectivist. Pulled no punches.

Listened to Mark all the time when I lived in Detroit metro area in the 80's. David Newman as well. Enjoyed the hell out of both of them. One of Mark's phrases which has become one of my favs and which I use to this day was, "you don't know and you don't know that you don't know."

Ardent objectivist is right. Was a big Ayn Rand guy. He often had a priest on as a guest as well. Don't remember his name but I enjoyed their banter. Talk radio in Detroit in the 80's was the best. Syndication was starting to happen but there was still lot's of local stuff.

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