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Dax Hill


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2011
From Zach Shaw on Twitter: Cade McNamara no-commented when asked if Daxton Hill traveled with the team. Said he'll leave it to Jim Harbaugh to address (Harbaugh speaks tomorrow)

Andrew Vastardis also deferred to Jim Harbaugh when asked if Hill traveled.

So Hill didn't travel. If he did, they give a simple yes. They just won't be the ones discussing why he couldn't travel. That's for Jim to address. They handled it properly, but still answered the question without answering the question. Hopefully Hill can clear whatever protocol he's in and make it to Miami for the game on Friday.
I saw this early this morning. Outside of Hutchinson and maybe Cade, I can't think of another player michigan can afford to lose less than Dax. I hope he's okay, whatever it is. Would be great if he's able to play so he can cover Bowers.
Rumor from my friend was it was covid. But then that is just hearsay.
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It's all just hearsay at this point. I haven't seen a single corroborated report. The closest thing I've seen to confirmation is the comments from Cade and Vastardis.

I've seen everything from "he's out" to "he's flying down tomorrow and will play" and everything in between. My best guess is Jim provides an update tomorrow and we don't know until kickoff if he's playing or not.

This is so incredibly similar to Peppers. Hopefully he is okay and this is all a precaution.
I saw this rumor on facebook the other day. This was followed by a rumor that he was at practice.
Jim Harbaugh on Daxton Hill's status: "His status is going to be questionable. He's working through something right now. We'll know more today whether he'll be able to play."
Asked Harbaugh to clarify Dax Hill current status in terms of whether he is in Florida: "He is not currently in Florida. "He's not right now. He might be. He could be here today, maybe not."
Players and coaches, from now on, should just say "I don't even want to confirm if I'm here or not right now."
Per ESPN he's "working through something right now" (default Harbaugh answer for injured/ill players) and is questionable. My best guess is it was a positive test and they're waiting for a negative and if that comes in time for the game he will be there, if not he won't. Only thing that makes sense given that they genuinely wouldn't know whether or not he'll play and if injured he would still be there with the team and rehabbing there.
His brother went on the covid list for the ravens on Xmas. Its atleast a close contact situation where they are trying to be safe. Thank Joe biden for making it a 5 day quarantine instead of 10. THANK YOU JOE! THANK YOU JOE!

Rumor is he's flying to Florida tonight.
Jim enjoys his koi pond.

Jim Harbaugh just appeared on ESPN and called Daxton Hill?s availability a ?game-time decision.?

Gave another ?he might be? when asked if Hill is in Florida.