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If you get furloughed...


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Thought it would be helpful to some to explain what a furlough is and what it means for you, since, well, everyone in the country is probably going to be furloughed if they haven't been already.

Except for cops, firemen, EMTs, doctors, nurses, grocery store workers, postal workers, and a handful of people to keep the courts functioning... everyone else is non-essential.

I found this link that explains your rights and what it typically means.


- no salary/wages
- you keep all other benefits
- you cannot work AT ALL, or you fuck it all up for them, so they typically lock you out of your workplace, and work email.
Restaurants for take out and delivery.

Gavin Newsom has categorized construction as essential.

Liquor stores that are also minimarts are open in California.

Not everywhere in the United States is under a shelter in place order.

The shelter in place orders have all been done at the state and municipal level. There is no federal shelter in place order.
Restaurants for take out and delivery.

Gavin Newsom has categorized construction as essential.

Liquor stores that are also minimarts are open in California.

Not everywhere in the United States is under a shelter in place order.

The shelter in place orders have all been done at the state and municipal level. There is no federal shelter in place order.

It SHOULD be at the federal level, i.e. nationwide.
Less than 2000 deaths in America. This isn't worth destroying so many people's lives.

Establish herd immunity. Oxford University has done studies based on epidemiology standards and they believe 50% of the UK has been infected. If that's true, or even if it's only 25%, that makes the mortality rate less than the average flu.

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
Thought it would be helpful to some to explain what a furlough is and what it means for you, since, well, everyone in the country is probably going to be furloughed if they haven't been already.

Except for cops, firemen, EMTs, doctors, nurses, grocery store workers, postal workers, and a handful of people to keep the courts functioning... everyone else is non-essential.

Your list of "essential" is much shorter than reality. You are leaving out essential supply lines for all of the above as well
Your list of "essential" is much shorter than reality. You are leaving out essential supply lines for all of the above as well

I think they?re all operating; being viewed as essential.

My business is a supply line; I?m operating.
It SHOULD be at the federal level, i.e. nationwide.

I?ve heard some say that the president doesn?t have the Constitutional authority to invoke such an order; this power is reserved under Federalism at the state and local level.

There is certainly no federal law enforcement apparatus to enforce such an edict.

I had just assumed this on the politics board.

I posted it on the Michigan board as a public service, because I wanted to make sure all our fellow Michigan posters saw it. I know some of the Michigan posters don't click on the politics tab.

I had a colleague ask me what it means if we get furloughed, and found that site had one of the better explanations of it all.
I'm working...

I'm a red shirt

You are on the front lines of this shit, and I think prisoners and prison staff/COs are going to screwed man, since the states are going to do little to protect prisoners, and they can pass this to everyone in close proximity. stay safe.