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Nadal Wins 2nd Major Championship ?De-an Unduh,? Mate


Aug 2, 2011
With eight grand slam championships NOT on clay and multiple championships in each event, Nadal would be tied with Jimmy Connors for 7th on the all time victory list if Roland Garros weren?t counted for anyone.

Only Djokovic, Federer, Sampras (who never won on clay), Roy Emerson, Rod Laver and Bill Tilden (not a career grand slam champion) have more grand slam wins not counting wins on clay.

That?s pretty good for a ?one trick pony.?
Jimmy Connor and that era so fun to watch. Now, I rather watch an NBA 3 point-shooting contest - which is the most boring play in all of sports.
I think tennis has been boring since day one. The only reason it may have been entertaining back then was watching JM throw his temper tantrums.