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The Official MICHIGAN vs MSU Score Prediction Thread (Cold Blooded Revenge Edition)


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
First of all, congratulations to dubbs who nearly called last week’s score perfectly (had 41-9 instead of 41-8). You win our undivided esteem (for a week).

The next stop in Michigan’s 2016 campaign is Spartan Stadium. Finally. Been waiting for this since October 17, 2015.

Heading into this season, I think all of us were worried about how this one would play out, knowing a shot at the Big Ten title likely requires TWO big road wins in East Lansing and Columbus, and statistically what are the odds of that happening?

Well after starting 2-0, State has completely fallen apart, losing five games straight – some of those being double digit losses to lackluster teams. This is their worst actual losing streak since 1991, although technically, their worst losing streak was in 1994 when they went 0-11 after being forced to forfeit their 5 wins from a 5-6 season. Now instead of fearing a clash between titans, our biggest worry is that Dantonio could somehow pull a rabbit out of his hat & inspire his team to put the malaise behind them, quiet the discontent in the locker room, and play 4 quarters.

Vegas seems to think that’s unlikely and currently has us 23.5 point favorites.

Truth be told, if Dantonio can get this team ready to play, it would be a hell of an achievement… State hasn’t been able to do much right on either side of the ball this season, while we’ve simply steamrolled our opponents. Even early turnovers, and deficits haven’t mattered, as Harbaugh has built a relentless juggernaut, and a defense that could prove to be historically good.

Grandpa MichiganChamp used to say that even though we were Michigan alums & fans, we should be proud of both Michigan and MSU since they represent our great State… but it seems like that sort of respect and perspective is all too rare these days. Of course, he wants to see a good clean fight Saturday, with Michigan on top, burying MSU well before the clock reads 00:00, or - this being Spartan Stadium - 00:01. Leave no doubt, nor chance for last minute heroics, or insane, unlikely fluke plays to determine the outcome.

So post your predictions with some supportive analysis if you wish, but leave the woofing and barking for other threads.
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Edit: Fuck the realist. New prediction below...

Close game for awhile, but Michigan gains momentum and MSU begins to fade.

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Someone must have locked the windows shut during four of the last six years, because the records have mattered and this has generally been a non competitive game over that span. One team has had advantages on both lines, at QB, the skill positions, and had one of the best defenses in the country. Unfortunately that team has been MSU, but luckily that has changed this year and all are true of Michigan. Only difference is the disparity this year is likely greater. None of those Michigan teams came in lower than MSU currently is, and at least statistically none of the MSU defenses were better. UM's offense is also very good statistically, but still has some questions to answer. Of course we won't see them answered on Saturday because MSU's defense sucks balls.

Michigan has the physical edge, the mental edge (msu reeling vs UM looking to avenge last year - and the last decade), and the better coaching staff. Sure we can always say "anything's possible", but if anyone takes a real hard look at this matchup there is no reason other than superstition to pick anything other than at minimum a relatively easy Michigan win.

UM - 38
MSU - 24

MSU is awarded 17 points for a field goal with a few minutes to go because rivalries, home field advantage, spartan bob.
Vegas thinks it should be around 39-15. I don't think there is any way in hell that MSU scores 15 points this week and UM will run up the score if they have the opportunity.

UM 49
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Think MSU will hang around a bit but Michigan races away.

Someone must have locked the windows shut during four of the last six years... .

ha. did you hack my computer? I had a whole additional paragraph typed up saying this very thing, but deleted it because of the "don't say anything that could come back to bite you" approach I took. silly superstition, but yeah, the upsets are memorable because they're rare, & and exceptions, not the rule.

I think State comes out okay, and it's competitive for a while, but we keep scoring and they don't. And then the mistakes start to pile up for them:


or it could be just a complete curb stomping from start to finish, but I'll go with 38-13
Michigan will dominate the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball. I think Peppers will have a punt return TD along with someone on the defense getting a score. State gets a garbage time td in the last 5 minutes to avoid the shutout.

There is no "football" reason to expect this game to be close based on what we've seen so far this year. The only basis for predicting a close game is the MSU pride and rivalry factor, and how they always seem to get up to playing Michigan. I get all of that, but what about our pride? What about our willingness to fight? What about our determination to stomp out this little rebellion and erase what happened last year? Does our coach not have the ability to inspire like Dantonio? Give me a break.

MSU has had a psychological edge on us for years, and that has manifested itself in the games. I see a Michigan team brimming with confidence (but not over confidence) and ready to do what needs to be done.

Michigan 40 MSU 14
49-17 Michigan.


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Michigan - 41
MSU - 0

Wisconsin held them to 6 and I'm hoping our defense can do even better.
What I've noticed so far is that other than us fans and some of the articles written in various media outlets, the players have basically said nothing. You don't have stupid tweets, comments coming out. I would imagine that Harbaugh has stressed the importance of keeping that passion bottled up and saving it for Saturday. For the most part throughout the past decade, MSU has had the motivation. Whether it be playing for the playoff or trying to right the little bro thing, they had the intangibles on their side. I'm not really sure what Dantonio can use to plaster on the wall before the game.

This season, M has the conference title in sight and the hunger from seeing that shit unfold in the last 10 seconds last year at home. I know players have referenced it and I hope to hell they use that to get them fired up.
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This game is a turning point for Dantonio and MSU. There won't be any more hail mary passes, no block punts, no blocked field goals, no fake field goals to save ole sparty's ass at the end of the game this time. Count on Michigan to put them away at the half. Bank it! GO BLUE!

Excellent work MC and thanks for handling things this week while I am occupied at a work conference (Sparty Magic Johnson will be the keynote tomorrow to close the event as a nice serendipitous tie to the weekend)...

This rivalry (the one of many) got weird for a while. There was the clock operator cheating ...the 3 OT Braylon game ....the 2007 Henne/Hart/Long win on the road where the team ran off the field, Rich Rod and the mental intimidation by state for many years. In 2008, the world was coming to an end, the stock markets were in meltdown and the election. We cashed in some frequent flier points and booked a long weekend in Dana Point, Orange County. My wife took my blackberry (lol) from me, turned it off and locked it in the safe in the room - the rule was that we would not watch any TV, text or tweet or do anything other than relax. While enjoying the hotel swimming pool and playing in the water with my almost 2yr old son that Saturday in 2008, our sanctuary and intent to relax was horribly interrupted by a wedding party at the hotel comprised of MSU fans watching the game and erupting in applause and shouts with every spartan score. Last year, that same little guy who was so wonderfully unaware of things in 2008, looked up at me after the muffed punt and TD and said simply, "let's go" and turned to head up the aisle in MICHIGAN STADIUM.

It is with that sentiment and context ...that cool, calm demeanor demonstrated last year following the luckiest play in the rivalry's history, that I post this prediction ---

Karma, jinxes, rivalries and disrespekt be damned - MICHIGAN is going to kick the ever living shit out of msu on saturday. Coach Harbaugh is a master and this game may not even need a pregame pep talk - it's all there for the taking and will be taken.

State - 3

Little Vic says -

Michigan State - 3
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Fuck it all. I'm changing my prediction.


Dantonio literally breaks down into tears while being comforted by their stupid mascot. While he cry-motorboats dem titties, MSU fans storm the field, throwing their green away, to reveal the maize and blue underwear and Charles Woodson tattoos.

1/2 of the MSU fanbase goes silent, never to be heard from again. The 8 year bandwagon is dead. Fuck MSU. FUCK GREEN! FUCK WHITE!