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Wow! Kissinger Was Actually Alive Until Now?


Aug 2, 2011
WTF and Holy S!

I would have thought he?d been gone long ago.

All the best in the next place, whatever that may be.

And always strive to make love, not war.

No, certainly.

The Chinese loved him?but he probably won?t have to account for Covid.

He will have to account for Vietnam, Cambodia, and his population-reduction measures and policies in under developed countries to prevent them from going to war to protect the natural resources the "developed" nations pilfered from them.

Ever read NSSM200? Nixon ordered it; Kissinger masterminded it; Ford implemented it.

"In summary, the NSSM200 provides four main observations:[3]

Population growth of foreign nations provides more geopolitical power and possible opposition to US interests

The United States relies on countries being underdeveloped in order to easily obtain natural resources

High birth rates result with more younger individuals who oppose established governments

American businesses are vulnerable to interference by foreign governments that are required to provide for growing populations

It recommends that US leadership "influence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, USIA, and USAID."​

Utterly predictable government interference in the lives of the profane, known as The Kissinger Report which was Top Secret for a decade.

But wait...there's more!

The policies adopted from NSSM200 and NSDM 314 developed even further in 1976 after the National Security Council advocated for the use of withholding food through food power and using military force to prevent population growth, with a memorandum reading; "In some cases, strong direction has involved incentives such as payment to acceptors for sterilization, or disincentives such as giving low priorities in the allocation of housing or schooling to those with larger families.

Such direction is the sine qua non of an effective program".[1][2] This resulted in proposing to foreign nations the creation of money-for-sterlization, housing-for-sterilzation or schooling-for-sterilization projects.[3]​

Ol' Henry has a lot to account for.
Yeah. And the end goal of the move to China seems (in hindsight) to have been the intentional de-industrialization of the U.S., to gut the political power of unions (and the middle class workers mobilized by the unions), all for the benefit of the few Americans at the top.

if you hated American union workers - unionized or not - and loved sending their jobs overseas, you should be in mourning right now.

I suppose that was the only thing Kissinger was successful at doing (or having a hand in doing). His actual policies were pretty much all disasters.
Anthony Bourdain on Kissinger (link)

too bad he never got his chance to beat Henry K. to death with his bare hands
I thought he killed himself because of some Italian actress.

It was a tragic death because like mc, whenever I'm unsure about where I stand on matters of great political or social significance, I usually start by asking a cook for his/her opinion.
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That's the rumor

Who know?

He was 61 years old. By that age you?d figure a guy would figure ?no chick is worth that.?

On the other hand, I?ve read he could be depressed for a month because of a bad airport hamburger.