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AL playoff team records against one another


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2011
Or we really got swept by a team we were 5-1 against.

Baltimore record against other playoffs teams 10-15
Kansas City record against other playoffs teams 18-21
LAA record against other playoffs teams 19-19
Oakland record against other playoffs teams 17-22

So how in the world did the Tigers manages to lose these playoffs.
Tigers record against other playoffs teams 26-13
This team blew it big time. Things just do not add up here. Bull Pen needs fixing! It's amazing this team had this record and failed to win a single game!
Or we really got swept by a team we were 5-1 against.

Baltimore record against other playoffs teams 10-15
Kansas City record against other playoffs teams 18-21
LAA record against other playoffs teams 19-19
Oakland record against other playoffs teams 17-22

So how in the world did the Tigers manages to lose these playoffs.
Tigers record against other playoffs teams 26-13
This team blew it big time. Things just do not add up here. Bull Pen needs fixing! It's amazing this team had this record and failed to win a single game!

It's over with. Continuing to punch ourselves in the dick isn't going to make it any easier. I think we should all forget about it. Easier said than done, though.
We played a total of 9 games against Baltimore this year and ended up 5-4. When you don't separate that total into even smaller sample sizes to skew the narrative, you can see that the team were relatively equal in terms of strength. When two teams are relatively equal, luck plays a much larger role.
I will piss me off to no end if KC wins it all n their first try back in like forever... Good story...But jab my eye out with a ice pick....
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Same here if KC wins the WS it's going to make everything hurt 100 times more than it already does..
Yup Tiger.... freaking we toasted that team 14 out of 19 times.... They are not this good...
I hope they win the next 6 straight.

I can't understand how our failures should count against KC. Their fans have had far less to celebrate than we have, in the last 8 years they have 0 division titles and 1 playoff appearance. We have 4 in a row and 5 playoff appearances including 2 World Series.

In the entire history of Kansas city they have 2 championships. Chiefs in 1969, and Royals in 1985. Seems a little selfish to say they don't deserve it IMO. They are no different than we were in 2006, I bet none of you thought we didn't deserve to be in the WS or if we had won.

I honestly hope they win it all, in spite of their terrible manager, and frugal ownership.
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I'd love to forget about this season if I knew that next season would be any different, but with the cement-head we have for a manager and his lizard-brain approach to baseball, I have no reason to consider that the Tigers will do anything differently than bow out of the post-season prematurely--if they make it at all. He's still justifying his abjectly awful BP management in G3 and I cannot get behind that in any way. I want him gone now.
I do too, but he's here to stay. Its absolutely ridiculous. DD built a team to contend then gave the reins to an incompetent idiot who doesn't learn from his mistakes.
DD built a team to contend? The team is just as flawed as the manager. Overall defense is still very poor. The bullpen is a trainwreck.

The team played exactly as well as they were supposed to. They won the central then got beat by a better team in the playoffs. Forget the head to head record (which obviously evened out even in a tiny sample size), Baltimore won more games during the year, had a much better run differential, and had much better overall pitching. Even if we magically had a great manager, the team was expected to lose against Baltimore.
DD built a team to contend? The team is just as flawed as the manager. Overall defense is still very poor. The bullpen is a trainwreck.

The team played exactly as well as they were supposed to. They won the central then got beat by a better team in the playoffs. Forget the head to head record (which obviously evened out even in a tiny sample size), Baltimore won more games during the year, had a much better run differential, and had much better overall pitching. Even if we magically had a great manager, the team was expected to lose against Baltimore.

I never expected this team to win the WS, but Dartmouth seemingly did everything under his influence to ensure that certain outcome. He nearly blew the ALC title on his own. Orioles starters were not good compared to the Tigers. A little discretion in G2, even though BA started the wrong pitcher, would have made the series 1-1 and given the Tigers a fighting chance in G3.
I agree we had some big flaws, but any team that at least makes the playoffs was built to contend.

Also, what byco said.
I never expected this team to win the WS, but Dartmouth seemingly did everything under his influence to ensure that certain outcome. He nearly blew the ALC title on his own. Orioles starters were not good compared to the Tigers. A little discretion in G2, even though BA started the wrong pitcher, would have made the series 1-1 and given the Tigers a fighting chance in G3.

I don't know who you would have started in game 2. Certainly not Porcello with his 6 losses in a row and ERA of 6.20 in the month of September.

As far as the starters being better...JV & Max had a combined ERA of 5.83 in the playoffs this year.

This team was destined to fail in the post season due to shitty defense, no bench and a shitty bull pen.
I don't know who you would have started in game 2. Certainly not Porcello with his 6 losses in a row and ERA of 6.20 in the month of September.

As far as the starters being better...JV & Max had a combined ERA of 5.83 in the playoffs this year.

This team was destined to fail in the post season due to shitty defense, no bench and a shitty bull pen.

Price. Who else?
Price. Who else?

Those three were going to pitch in games 1-3 anyway...didn't really matter when they pitched. Probably better to pitch JV in game 2 and Price in game 3 so they all had similar rest. If you pitch Price in game 2 it would have been 8 days between starts for JV
Those three were going to pitch in games 1-3 anyway...didn't really matter when they pitched. Probably better to pitch JV in game 2 and Price in game 3 so they all had similar rest. If you pitch Price in game 2 it would have been 8 days between starts for JV

Well how'd that work out for the Tigers? I could care less about JV's rest cycle. And based on his stamina, looks like he could have used more.