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Baby Boomers are just dumb.


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
In a reversal of trends, American baby boomers scored lower on a test of cognitive functioning than did members of previous generations, according to a new nationwide study.

Findings showed that average cognition scores of adults aged 50 and older increased from generation to generation, beginning with the greatest generation (born 1890-1923) and peaking among war babies (born 1942-1947).

Scores began to decline in the early baby boomers (born 1948-1953) and decreased further in the mid baby boomers (born 1954-1959).

While the prevalence of dementia has declined recently in the United States, these results suggest those trends may reverse in the coming decades, according to study author Hui Zheng, professor of sociology at The Ohio State University.

?It is shocking to see this decline in cognitive functioning among baby boomers after generations of increases in test scores,? Zheng said.

?But what was most surprising to me is that this decline is seen in all groups: men and women, across all races and ethnicities and across all education, income and wealth levels.?

Insult to injury for Michigan boomers & racist boomers: the study came from an OSU professor who is not white.

It was maybe due to all the atmospheric lead at the time... like the increase in 20th century violent crime.

Fuck... I bet just when I finally get out of student loan debt, I'll have to start paying for home care for my Boomer parents, so they don't leave the stove on and burn to death. And that'll take a chunk out of college savings for my own kids. Maybe the methodology in the study is off, and my parents won't have early-onset dementia or other cognitive problems?

The coming societal collapse will probably make all that a moot point tho regardless :cheers:
Atmospheric lead and atmospheric nuclear testing probably explains it. What an awful mess.
Atmospheric nuclear testing went from 1945 to 1963 (link)... and it's truly shocking the number of devices the US and USSR, and to a lesser extent the UK, France, and China exploded.
I can name every player on the 1980 US Olympic Hockey team and all WS winners and losers since 1903 in spite of several closed-head injuries, water fluoridation, second-hand smoke, fetching beers for my dad, and standing in the back seat of the car.

And listening to all that garbage music that I regret.
atmospheric lead to blame(?) but also probably affected Gen X and older millenials for sure (link):

Exposure to leaded gasoline lowered the IQ of about half the population of the United States, a new study estimates.

The peer-reviewed study, published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, focuses on people born before 1996 ? the year the U.S. banned gas containing lead.​

fuck. I thought they banned it way before that?!? this country is insane.

Certain cohorts were more affected than others. For people born in the 1960s and the 1970s, when leaded gas consumption was skyrocketing, the IQ loss was estimated to be up to 6 points and for some, more than 7 points. Exposure to it came primarily from inhaling auto exhaust.​
my latest post here cites a UM study. you arrogant elitist.

Ok then, now I believe.

Still surprised there isn't more interest nationally on the covid/cognitive decline links.

Japan better hurry up with those elder care robots. We aren't going to (already don't) have the staff to fill the need.
Ok then, now I believe.

Still surprised there isn't more interest nationally on the covid/cognitive decline links.

Japan better hurry up with those elder care robots. We aren't going to (already don't) have the staff to fill the need.

Hard to believe I started this thread almost two years ago. I renounce it now, to the extent it singles out only one generation (albeit the whiniest most self-absorbed one).

We are all dumb, brain-damaged by industrial waste, COVID, and the byproducts of our shithole country and it's toxic economic system.
Hard to believe I started this thread almost two years ago. I renounce it now, to the extent it singles out only one generation (albeit the whiniest most self-absorbed one).

We are all dumb, brain-damaged by industrial waste, COVID, and the byproducts of our shithole country and it's toxic economic system.

Always funny to hear you call other people whiny and self absorbed. Thanks for the laugh.
Hard to believe I started this thread almost two years ago. I renounce it now, to the extent it singles out only one generation (albeit the whiniest most self-absorbed one).

We are all dumb, brain-damaged by industrial waste, COVID, and the byproducts of our shithole country and it's toxic economic system.

It?s ?its,? not it?s.
It?s ?its,? not it?s.

What do you expect? I'm born to parents that inhaled copious amounts of atmospheric lead, were contaminated by the hundreds of above-ground nuclear tests our country ran while they were young, and we all consume untold industrial chemicals in our air and drinking water, and most likely food as well.

"To err is human," as they say, and on top of that errant tendency we've added decades of chemically-induced brain damage.
What do you expect? I'm born to parents that inhaled copious amounts of atmospheric lead, were contaminated by the hundreds of above-ground nuclear tests our country ran while they were young, and we all consume untold industrial chemicals in our air and drinking water, and most likely food as well.

"To err is human," as they say, and on top of that errant tendency we've added decades of chemically-induced brain damage.

You?ve gone from denial to making excuses for why you?re so dumb. At least you?ve accepted the truth.
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