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Lockout 30 minutes away


Aug 6, 2011
What a bunch of fucking nimrods. Both owners and players.
I heard there might be a way in the coming months to extend it for a year.
I am mostly on the owners side. Mostly because the things the owners want are better for the fans.

Some things I would like to see

keep the team control for the same amount of time. Too many sports have free agency too early which results in too much player movement.

much higher minimum salary. I think it's about $500K now...make it $750k

allow for higher pay in arb years.

universal DH

If the union really cares about players, they should demand more pay for minor league players. Maybe incorporate the minor leagues into the players union?
I am mostly on the owners side. Mostly because the things the owners want are better for the fans.

Some things I would like to see

keep the team control for the same amount of time. Too many sports have free agency too early which results in too much player movement.

much higher minimum salary. I think it's about $500K now...make it $750k

allow for higher pay in arb years.

universal DH

If the union really cares about players, they should demand more pay for minor league players. Maybe incorporate the minor leagues into the players union?

But what is that going to do to max Scherzer?s batting average?
MLB owners impose lockout- now what happens?
Here?s where the owners and players stand as CBA talks drag on.

Very in depth details by TigerDogPatrick.
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