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are you playing pokemon go?


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011


I'm proudly adding "playing pokemon go" to my list of "dumb pop culture shit I've never taken part in.
No dumber than any other mobile game. At least it's getting kids out of the house and if they walk into traffic, natural selection does it's thing.

But have I played it? Not a fuckin' chance.
A guy at work told me he knows for sure it's possible to capture a pokemon while driving 45 mph on city streets.

He seemed a little offended when I told him that I hoped he only killed himself eventually, and not some group of playing kids.
A little. I grew up with Pokemon and loved it for a time, but the app wastes a lot of data though and I am not tethered to my phone like every other person my age.
Fine, I'll be the honest one and say I'm playing it. I'm not running around my neighborhood (or anywhere really), but I'm playing. Like SpartyNash, it's something I grew up with. It helps that I work in a 40 acre building and spend most of my day moving from meeting to meeting. I get a couple minutes between meetings, and it's as good a way to use that time as anything else on my phone.

It's not a whole lot of game right now. Flick up, move, flick up again. Since I don't have time (babies) to play at home, I don't know what the rest of the game is supposed to be like.
it's all over the news. do you ever read other sites on the internet?

I don't watch much television. The other sites I read on the Internet are limited to Baseball Reference, MLB, and Fangraphs. And work-related industry sites. Not much of a fan of popular culture.
I don't watch much television. The other sites I read on the Internet are limited to Baseball Reference, MLB, and Fangraphs. And work-related industry sites. Not much of a fan of popular culture.

I hear ya. going back to the early 90's, being able to thumb my nose at the crap other kids were watching/listening to provided more satisfaction to me than I'd get from watching/listening to that same crap & belonging to the herd.

the earliest memory I have of this sort was shunning "New kids on the block."
I've heard about it but don't know what it is.


I just googled it. It looks retarded.
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Man, I think you are all crazy. I love running around town with my wife trying to hunt down random stuff. When people tell us about any hole in the wall kind of place with anything interesting at all about it, we want to go check it out. With a very low bar for interesting. Y'all got to un-grow up.

I'm not playing because I'm afraid I'd get too sucked into it, not because I think it's dumb.
It's a comminist plot to undermine the minds of Americans.

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Man, I think you are all crazy. I love running around town with my wife trying to hunt down random stuff. When people tell us about any hole in the wall kind of place with anything interesting at all about it, we want to go check it out. With a very low bar for interesting. Y'all got to un-grow up.


that's a nice story, but we were talking about adults playing a game that requires them to walk around glued to their "smartphones" in order to find little imaginary japanese baby monsters.

also, why are you saying "y'all?" you grew up in Michigan, and you're not even using it consistently since you said "you are all" in the first sentence. please stop.
Man, I think you are all crazy. I love running around town with my wife trying to hunt down random stuff. When people tell us about any hole in the wall kind of place with anything interesting at all about it, we want to go check it out. With a very low bar for interesting. Y'all got to un-grow up.

I'm not playing because I'm afraid I'd get too sucked into it, not because I think it's dumb.

It's dumb dude. Kids need to play normal games like tag. Throw a Frisbee, or a football. Not to spend more time on their phone.
that's a nice story, but we were talking about adults playing a game that requires them to walk around glued to their "smartphones" in order to find little imaginary japanese baby monsters.

also, why are you saying "y'all?" you grew up in Michigan, and you're not even using it consistently since you said "you are all" in the first sentence. please stop.

I'll use whatever inconsistent pronouns I want and yins can't stop me.
Man it's crazy. All the kids are playing it and even adults . Now my wife wants to play it lol.. I see The appeal but I am not down loading it.
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I find it an excellent way to trap na?ve and unsuspecting victims in remote and isolated places in the wee hours of the night when no one will be around to hear their screams.
I find it an excellent way to trap na?ve and unsuspecting victims in remote and isolated places in the wee hours of the night when no one will be around to hear their screams.

I heard on TV that several people, not sure if kids or adults, apparently went to a house of a known pedophile .. following those stupid pokemon's. Not a surprise of course. I'm sorry but anyone who wants to participate in something like this.. something wrong in the head..