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Christ is Risen


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
I swear I just saw Jesus get off the bus one stop after I got on, and walked west to the Dunkin' Donuts there. He is risen. And needs coffee and donuts.
that's messed up gentlemen

who else could it have been? 30-something, darker-complexioned caucasian with piercing blue eyes, long hair and a beard. if I had been quicker, I could've gotten a pic of him with my phone.
Yeah, and i clearly saw his shape. It was a long robe that he wore. His hair was long and looked European. clearly jesus. Nothing to scoff at.
Not my words, but I agree with them:

St Paul said that if Christ did not rise from the dead we are the greatest of fools. But if Jesus did rise from the dead everyone else could be considered the greatest of fools. Now Easter is over, I thought it appropriate to present 10 reasons why the resurrection happened.

10. If the Apostles made it up, they would have arrived before the women. In first century Israel a women’s testimony did not have the value of law. Anyone wanting to fake it would have legitimate witnesses, men, there first.

9. The Apostles are transformed by it. By their own accounts, they all go into hiding after the crucifixion but somehow a month and a half later, St. Peter appears in public and proclaims it using words that would get him killed if not true. The resurrection is the only logical explanation.

8. If the Apostles stole the body, somebody would have found it. Many in Jerusalem were against them and would have looked for the body to discredit them, remember how the Sanhedrin pays the guards to say the apostles stole it. The apostles message couldn’t have survived 10 minutes if someone displayed the dead body.

8. St Paul has a memorized and received formula by 50AD. Most scholars put the First Letter to the Corinthians around 50AD but St Paul states a formula he had received and previously passed on to the Corinthians that clearly expresses resurrection faith (15:3-8). Obviously the resurrection wasn’t invented decades later.

7. Myths always develop later. Hindus and others have the mythical presence of the gods in history but this is either in pre-history or millennia before. Buddhists have myths about Buddha but these were first written over 500 years after Buddha. No religion is known to make up historical myths to which the original authors claim to be eyewitnesses.

6. The evangelists don’t stick to a story. When a group of people make up a story, they make sure they all say exactly the same thing, but the four Gospel accounts seem hard to harmonize exactly so they refer to real memories which tend to vary a little in the details.

5. The history of Christianity. Who would have thought that in 70 years Churches would be founded in every major city on the Mediterranean and in 300 years it would be the official religion? Without the truth of the resurrection, it makes no sense.

4. The soldiers were professionals. Some claim Jesus was just very weak but professional Roman soldiers confirmed death then jabbed a spear through his heart to confirm it.

3. His enemies confirm his identity on the cross. If someone other than Jesus was crucified, the mockers would have realized. Jesus really died.

2. Nobody would go to death for something he made up. 11 of the 12 apostles were put to death for their belief in the resurrection; if they made it up, at least one would have recanted and told where they hid the body.

1. It really happened and we can share in it. This is the reason above and beyond all the other reasons. Faith, not just reason and history.
Be careful.

The power you jokingly or intentionally mock Jesus for is just as powerful for the Devil. I do not see the Devil jokes. Why don't you mock the devil, the ruler of this earth?
Be careful.

The power you jokingly or intentionally mock Jesus for is just as powerful for the Devil. I do not see the Devil jokes. Why don't you mock the devil, the ruler of this earth?

We can mock the devil more I guess. it doesn't seem as funny because there are no devil worshippers here to antagonize, and the devil didn't allegedly write a bible or testament for us to ridicule. It's like the same, I get it, but different
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Be careful.

The power you jokingly or intentionally mock Jesus for is just as powerful for the Devil. I do not see the Devil jokes. Why don't you mock the devil, the ruler of this earth?

That's a pretty weak god if Satan rules this Earth.

Would you be fearful of mocking Mohammad or Buddha? Probably not. We don't believe in your deity nor your devil. No fear on our side.

And Satan is a huge joke. Vain and jealous, but was somehow made to be the Angel in charge of worship. Then, he believes he should actually become God and is thrown out of Heaven. His main goal becomes turning people away from God so they would be with him in Hell. Then what does he do? Instead of rewarding them, he and the rest of his fallen decide to torture them! WTF!!!!
Not my words, but I agree with them:
9. The Apostles are transformed by it. By their own accounts, they all go into hiding after the crucifixion but somehow a month and a half later, St. Peter appears in public and proclaims it using words that would get him killed if not true. The resurrection is the only logical explanation.

Oh, I see this whole time it's all been based on LOGIC.

Not my words, but I agree with them:

St Paul said that if Christ did not rise from the dead we are the greatest of fools. But if Jesus did rise from the dead everyone else could be considered the greatest of fools. Now Easter is over, I thought it appropriate to present 10 reasons why the resurrection happened.

10. If the Apostles made it up, they would have arrived before the women. In first century Israel a women?s testimony did not have the value of law. Anyone wanting to fake it would have legitimate witnesses, men, there first.

9. The Apostles are transformed by it. By their own accounts, they all go into hiding after the crucifixion but somehow a month and a half later, St. Peter appears in public and proclaims it using words that would get him killed if not true. The resurrection is the only logical explanation.

8. If the Apostles stole the body, somebody would have found it. Many in Jerusalem were against them and would have looked for the body to discredit them, remember how the Sanhedrin pays the guards to say the apostles stole it. The apostles message couldn?t have survived 10 minutes if someone displayed the dead body.

8. St Paul has a memorized and received formula by 50AD. Most scholars put the First Letter to the Corinthians around 50AD but St Paul states a formula he had received and previously passed on to the Corinthians that clearly expresses resurrection faith (15:3-8). Obviously the resurrection wasn?t invented decades later.

7. Myths always develop later. Hindus and others have the mythical presence of the gods in history but this is either in pre-history or millennia before. Buddhists have myths about Buddha but these were first written over 500 years after Buddha. No religion is known to make up historical myths to which the original authors claim to be eyewitnesses.

6. The evangelists don?t stick to a story. When a group of people make up a story, they make sure they all say exactly the same thing, but the four Gospel accounts seem hard to harmonize exactly so they refer to real memories which tend to vary a little in the details.

5. The history of Christianity. Who would have thought that in 70 years Churches would be founded in every major city on the Mediterranean and in 300 years it would be the official religion? Without the truth of the resurrection, it makes no sense.

4. The soldiers were professionals. Some claim Jesus was just very weak but professional Roman soldiers confirmed death then jabbed a spear through his heart to confirm it.

3. His enemies confirm his identity on the cross. If someone other than Jesus was crucified, the mockers would have realized. Jesus really died.

2. Nobody would go to death for something he made up. 11 of the 12 apostles were put to death for their belief in the resurrection; if they made it up, at least one would have recanted and told where they hid the body.

1. It really happened and we can share in it. This is the reason above and beyond all the other reasons. Faith, not just reason and history.

I don't blame you. I'd believe this, too. The problem is that all of these reasons are bible based. None of them come from actual recorded history. There are accounts of Jesus many decades after his death from people who weren't even alive when he supposedly lived, but that's not the point.

I'd also suggest the author look back at how Christianity was actually spread. It took nearly 300 years to become more than a local religion.
I don't blame you. I'd believe this, too. The problem is that all of these reasons are bible based. None of them come from actual recorded history. There are accounts of Jesus many decades after his death from people who weren't even alive when he supposedly lived, but that's not the point.

I'd also suggest the author look back at how Christianity was actually spread. It took nearly 300 years to become more than a local religion.

When exactly was it that jesus visited the indians (feather, not dot)?
When exactly was it that jesus visited the indians (feather, not dot)?

Or east asia, europe, africa (aside from egypt), australia, any of the Americas. Wish i could fInd the map that shows the entire area visited in the bible. Very eye opening.
Or east asia, europe, africa (aside from egypt), australia, any of the Americas. Wish i could fInd the map that shows the entire area visited in the bible. Very eye opening.

Well I was referring to the book or mormon, which IIRC says jesus came to visit the natives in America. And then told Joseph Smith about it....I'll have to re-watch that south park episode to get the factual interpretation.
Well I was referring to the book or mormon, which IIRC says jesus came to visit the natives in America. And then told Joseph Smith about it....I'll have to re-watch that south park episode to get the factual interpretation.

the best part was when they did genetic testing and they were like... "yeah, there's no way in hell Native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel. They came from Northeast Asia like 15,000 years ago, which was before there even were Israelites. Sucks for you that your religious doctrine had a belief that could be so easily refuted by science."