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MSU v. ND game thread


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
Hope the Spartans start off fast and let the D take care of the rest.
MSU is toast. I hate to say it but the Irish are clearly the better football team. I say MSU scores 24 points in the second half and wins by 3 points
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A couple of times, they are just nowhere near the wr. I don't think he has the intangibles to be really successful.
A couple of times, they are just nowhere near the wr. I don't think he has the intangibles to be really successful.


Guy doesn't have the TANGIBLES to be a good QB.

1. Big arm
2. Takes a snap pretty well
3. GREAT at handing the ball to Bell

1. Accuracy
2. Touch
3. Reading a defense
4. Pocket Awareness
5. Footwork
6. Accuracy

Yeah, I put accuracy on there twice. The guy is bad right now. Dantonio and Roushar have ZERO confidence in him and the receivers don't offer any help.

He can't throw it more than 5 yards past the line very accurately and he has no touch on any of his passes.

That game was not only awful to watch as a Spartan fan....it was BORING as fuck as a football fan.

MSU better wake up offensively, or it's 8-4 and back to the Fuck your Sister.com bowl.
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Well I am sure Tredwell could careless since he hasn't been there in years. I agree his touch is horrible and his accuracy is bad after 10 yards on most throws. I think he has the tools to be alright I just don't think he has other qualities to help MSU vs good defenses. I think the worst he is at is situations and confidence when things aren't going his way.