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2024 Election

Were I (we) to move back to MI, it would be in a more-rural setting. Not to the Detroit area or any outlying suburb ... not even Brighton, A2, Milford, Novi, Northville.

I'd want some ground and space.

I feel the same way, but I feel like you can do that in Ohio, Indiana or lots of places like your current home state of North Carolina. Rural MI would still expose me to the same state-level politics but without the convenience of living near old friends from my time there. If I'm looking for ground and space, I think there are better places.

A coworker who lives in more rural NJ has a farm with almost 200 animals - pretty sure he has someone running the day to day and some laborers. He raises his own grass feed beef and free range chicken as well as some vegetables. I think he has less than 20 cows which are all sold by the time he gets them, the rest of the animals are probably chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc and maybe some sheep. It's a pretty sweet side gig, and rural NJ isn't as insanely leftist, but it's still NJ.
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Uh oh, Moody's downgrades 10 regional and small banks, puts several large lenders on watch for downgrade and sees a recession looming in 2024.

They probably just didn't get the memo that thanks to Dark Brandon, America is experiencing one of if not the strongest economies in its history. Biden is doing a really poor job with his messaging around all of his amazing accomplishments - I mean if Moody's doesn't know then who does? Is it possible that J2x is the only person that's paying attention?
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Traitor Trump's trial for trying to overthrow our democracy looks like it will start in January of 2024. Should take 4-6 weeks for a verdict, sentencing by Summer seems certain. Lock this anti American POS up once and for all.

Traitor Trump's trial for trying to overthrow our democracy looks like it will start in January of 2024. Should take 4-6 weeks for a verdict, sentencing by Summer seems certain. Lock this anti American POS up once and for all.

No recap of the initial jobless claims and inflation prints today? What gives?
Trump's sleaze bag former lawyer, Michael Cohen is considering running for Congress - as a Democrat, of course. He?s thinking about primarying Jerry Nadler. I guess he thinks he's a hero to the NY establishment for selling out his former boss. I'm sure to some extent he's right - facts be damned, whatever it takes to get Trump.

I say go for it. I?m all for replacing one comically inept sleaze bag with a more entertaining comically inept sleaze bag.
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Check make Biden's off the hook now with a special counsel appointed. everyone knows that will drag out for 2+ years and go nowhere leading to no charges. Trump will have to plea out or face jail. Wiess the same that tried to give him the rejected deal, what a joke. total Biden whitewash, it's over the chicoms won.
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The integrity of our elected officials is a mirror that reflects the integrity of the electorate. This mess is our doing and it's our responsibility to undo it.

Trump and 18 other traitors to America indicted in Georgia.

Trump and 18 other traitors to America indicted in Georgia.

you must be really happy you get to start paying back your student loans, while all the PPP recipients had their obligations forgiven
you must be really happy you get to start paying back your student loans, while all the PPP recipients had their obligations forgiven

The difference between the two is when students signed up for the loans there was an understanding by the students that they were expected to pay them back. The PPP program was a program that was designed to basically give away free money. Those loans were meant to be made with "forgiveness" built in.

Like I have said MANY times before...both the student loan forgiveness program and the PPP loan program were total garbage and terrible ideas.
The difference between the two is when students signed up for the loans there was an understanding by the students that they were expected to pay them back. The PPP program was a program that was designed to basically give away free money. Those loans were meant to be made with "forgiveness" built in.

Like I have said MANY times before...both the student loan forgiveness program and the PPP loan program were total garbage and terrible ideas.

the idea that any of us at 18 were given a full and detailed accounting of what it would cost to payback and make an informed decision about how our lives would play out, and more importantly whether or not the economy would crash and we would have good paying jobs that those loans were a ticket to, is insane. How could you think like that?

And if you thought both the ppp and student loans are garbage, it's weird I've only seen you complain about the latter... selective outrage here.
the idea that any of us at 18 were given a full and detailed accounting of what it would cost to payback and make an informed decision about how our lives would play out, and more importantly whether or not the economy would crash and we would have good paying jobs that those loans were a ticket to, is insane. How could you think like that?

And if you thought both the ppp and student loans are garbage, it's weird I've only seen you complain about the latter... selective outrage here.

selective reading on your part. I was pissed when they first came out.

As far as the idea that any of us at 18 weren't given a full detailed accounting...that's bullshit. Anybody with 1/2 of a brain could figure out the cost down the road. Plus, don't people have parents that should help guide them?
selective reading on your part. I was pissed when they first came out.

As far as the idea that any of us at 18 weren't given a full detailed accounting...that's bullshit. Anybody with 1/2 of a brain could figure out the cost down the road. Plus, don't people have parents that should help guide them?

My parents' tuition at Wayne State in the late 70's was like a couple hundred bucks/year. And my dad had a full ride because of his test scores. So... no. And even tuition costs at UM were comparably low back then.

But again... we took out loans because the schools gave us fake employment and starting salary numbers. Those were highly illusory. I graduated in '02 when everyone with an econ degree at Michigan was having their employment offers pulled because "the economy" tanked, and (if they were lucky) given a small stipend to help them out (I didn't get that). I didn't make enough at my first job to make any loans payments, and after law school, didn't find a paying job for 9 months, made more complicated by the fact that I had to take and pass the bar exam (which cost around $4000 for the fees and prep course which everyone including your law school strongly advises you to take). And of course I had to take out MORE loans for that.

I've paid off the vast majority of what I borrowed, and if you count interest, easily paid off the principle amounts. I basically bought a house I couldn't live in... in addition to buying and selling 3 houses during this time, having kids, supporting a family, etc.

Fuck Biden and fuck this country.
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selective reading on your part. I was pissed when they first came out.

As far as the idea that any of us at 18 weren't given a full detailed accounting...that's bullshit. Anybody with 1/2 of a brain could figure out the cost down the road. Plus, don't people have parents that should help guide them?

Yes, I am sure you sat down with your slide ruler and calculated out what your monthly loan payments would be, knowing the future, and the very transparent payment calculation process that loan servicers provide...

You've been living on Mars for the last few decades, right?
My parents' tuition at Wayne State in the late 70's was like a couple hundred bucks/year. And my dad had a full ride because of his test scores. So... no. And even tuition costs at UM were comparably low back then.

But again... we took out loans because the schools gave us fake employment and starting salary numbers. Those were highly illusory. I graduated in '02 when everyone with an econ degree at Michigan was having their employment offers pulled because "the economy" tanked, and (if they were lucky) given a small stipend to help them out (I didn't get that). I didn't make enough at my first job to make any loans payments, and after law school, didn't find a paying job for 9 months, made more complicated by the fact that I had to take and pass the bar exam (which cost around $4000 for the fees and prep course which everyone including your law school strongly advises you to take). And of course I had to take out MORE loans for that.

I've paid off the vast majority of what I borrowed, and if you count interest, easily paid off the principle amounts. I basically bought a house I couldn't live in... in addition to buying and selling 3 houses during this time, having kids, supporting a family, etc.

Fuck Biden and fuck this country.

but you did take them out knowing that you were going to have to pay them back. You chose to take out a loan vs working your way through college. If you are an attorney, with your income, you shouldn't have qualified for the student loan forgiveness anyway.

I do agree with what you posted in bold.
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but you did take them out knowing that you were going to have to pay them back. You chose to take out a loan vs working your way through college. If you are an attorney, with your income, you shouldn't have qualified for the student loan forgiveness anyway.

I do agree with what you posted in bold.

It was not financially possibly for me to work my way through law school.

Or college, probably. But FWIW, in law school they tell you NOT to work when classes are in session. It's bullshit and I wish I didn't listen to them. but even then, there was no way I would've been able to earn $40K/year and pay my tuition and all my expenses while going to school. How can you be that out of touch? you really think people can do that?

I worked all through college and made enough to pay my room and board myself (typically $550/month). I was the only person among everyone I knew who paid his own rent. I don't see how I could've earned enough to also pay tuition on top of that each semester. But tell me more...
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Again, but for interest I would've paid back the principle on all my loans years ago. And many are similarly situation. So this idea that we're the deadbeats here because some scumbag lender isn't going to make the profit he expected on our education is bullshit, and you're a sap for arguing his position...

Trump and 18 other traitors to America indicted in Georgia.

It's the party with all the Marxists pushing their socialist agenda and trying to jail their political rivals that truly loves America and everything it stands for - that's why they're tearing it all down, because they love it so much. Anyone standing in their way obviously hates America and must be imprisoned. USA! USA! USA! USA!
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Again, but for interest I would've paid back the principle on all my loans years ago. And many are similarly situation. So this idea that we're the deadbeats here because some scumbag lender isn't going to make the profit he expected on our education is bullshit, and you're a sap for arguing his position...

shit...I paid off the principle on my house loan years ago as well. Maybe I deserve to get the rest of my loan forgiven.