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2024 Election

I will never, ever vote for Hunter Biden again.

60 months. That?s how long it?s been since the Trump DOJ started this investigation into Hunter Biden. 5 full years of Trump?s hand picked federal attorney investigating Hunter Biden on everything under the sun. Every conspiracy theory Rudy Giuliani added was looked into. Ukraine. Bribery. China. The laptop Rudy and Steve Bannom had access to for 18 months after the one armed one legged blind computer repair man says Hunter dropped it off in New Jersey when he was visiting from California. Longer than the Mueller investigation that showed Russia interfered in our election. Longer than the investigations in 9/11. 60 months. And they got him! He cheated on his taxes in 2017 and 2018, paid fines and back taxes, but still was held criminally liable. And the gun charge was a joke that isn?t getting charged because it?s impossible to prove. As if someone answering they aren?t high on drugs when they purchase a gun is considered a lie if it?s found out they did drugs during that year.

Trump?s own prosecutor. This is what they got after 60 months and millions of dollars turning over every stone in Hunter Biden?s life. Weaponizing the DOJ? Probably, but Hunter is a tax cheat and I?m glad he?s facing consequences for his crimes.

Now tell me how a Trump named head of the FBI and 2 Trump appointed judges in FL approved the search warrant, investigations, and will sit in the criminal case of the 37 Trump felony charges is a weaponization of the DOJ.
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60 months. That?s how long it?s been since the Trump DOJ started this investigation into Hunter Biden. 5 full years of Trump?s hand picked federal attorney investigating Hunter Biden on everything under the sun. Every conspiracy theory Rudy Giuliani added was looked into. Ukraine. Bribery. China. The laptop Rudy and Steve Bannom had access to for 18 months after the one armed one legged blind computer repair man says Hunter dropped it off in New Jersey when he was visiting from California. Longer than the Mueller investigation that showed Russia interfered in our election. Longer than the investigations in 9/11. 60 months. And they got him! He cheated on his taxes in 2017 and 2018, paid fines and back taxes, but still was held criminally liable. And the gun charge was a joke that isn?t getting charged because it?s impossible to prove. As if someone answering they aren?t high on drugs when they purchase a gun is considered a lie if it?s found out they did drugs during that year.

Trump?s own prosecutor. This is what they got after 60 months and millions of dollars turning over every stone in Hunter Biden?s life. Weaponizing the DOJ? Probably, but Hunter is a tax cheat and I?m glad he?s facing consequences for his crimes.

Now tell me how a Trump named head of the FBI and 2 Trump appointed judges in FL approved the search warrant, investigations, and will sit in the criminal case of the 37 Trump felony charges is a weaponization of the DOJ.

I'm so glad you're taking this seriously and not ignoring any painfully obvious evidence that may destory your narrative - Hunter should pay his taxes like everyone else!

60 months, they must have left no stone unturned. I guess you're not aware of the FBI whistleblowers complaining about the FBI slow walking the investigation and ignoring evidence of serious crimes. And Hunter dropped his laptop off in Deleware, where he grew up, still owns a home and has lots of family, not New Jersey.

And since you seem to be insinuating that Hunter didn't drop the laptop off or it's not his, you should know Hunter is suing Mac Isaac (the "one armed, one legged blind owner of the computer repair shop that's not in New Jersey) for "trying to invade his privacy and wrongfully sharing his private information" like the influence peddling scheme he and his dad engaged in as well as his penchant for hookers and hard drugs.
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Any one of us would be orange-suited and in leg irons for what HB did. In addition, we'd have no house, bank account, possessions of any kind. He gets a plea deal to eviscerate the crimes of which he's accused; we get roommates with ill intentions.

Hunter sells his paintings and garners multi-million-dollar book deals because he is a peddler by trade and the willing buy his story.

This is the essence -- a quintessential example -- of "white privilege" and it's anything but sine qua non to the MSM. This is the double-tiered justice (justus) system at work in the USA.
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Any one of us would be orange-suited and in leg irons for what HB did. In addition, we'd have no house, bank account, possessions of any kind. He gets a plea deal to eviscerate the crimes of which he's accused; we get roommates with ill intentions.

Hunter sells his paintings and garners multi-million-dollar book deals because he is a peddler by trade and the willing buy his story.

This is the essence -- a quintessential example -- of "white privilege" and it's anything but sine qua non to the MSM. This is the double-tiered justice (justus) system at work in the USA.

Nepo babies rule the world.
Nepo babies rule the world.

And Blackrock. According to Blackrock recruiter Serge Varlay.

11:00 Video Link

Link to story

I do question his (Varlay's) candor, however, and that he actually ID's the interviewer as "undercover" and seems completely unconcerned. Maybe his hubris got the best of him.

He has a valid LI account that he apparently deleted. Link

Say what you want about O'Keefe, he's fearless. EDIT: Folo on the Blackrock "nobody" as Varlay now claims himself to be:

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This makes a lot more sense now - I saw a clip from Fox News that came across my MSN feed today (actually, I clicked on a video of a snake catcher wrangling a bull snake and the Fox News clip was one of hundreds below that video - click bait got me again).

Anyway, in the video civil rights attorney Leo Terrell explained why the DOJ calls the Hunter Biden investigation "on going" despite the plea deal. According to Terrell, as long as there is an open investigation, the DOJ can stonewall congress and withhold documents re: the investigation. It basically provides a roadblock preventing House Republicans from gaining access to investigation materials. Perhaps this is why the investigation has taken 60 months.

If that's the case, we can probably expect this investigation to last through the '24 election and beyond, depending on how long it takes for Dems to regain the House.

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Is it weird that after one Johnny stormed off another one quickly stepped into to fill the void.
Unless and until we scrape to the bottom of the kettle, the residue that actually runs our nation and the world at large will never be dislodged.
Two IRS whistleblowers have come forward to allege to Congress that President Joe Biden?s Department of Justice buried evidence implicating Hunter Biden in tax crimes.
Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) made the announcement during a press conference on Thursday, saying that U.S. Attorney David Weiss tried to bring charges against Hunter Biden in two different jurisdictions last year but was denied both times.

Moore v. Harper ruling was issued by the SCOTUS today and they have thwarted the Republican dream to end meaningful democracy in America. SCOTUS ruled 6-3 that states must follow their constitutions for Federal elections and the state legislatiures can't over rule the eleciton and send their own alternative electors in place of the will of the voters.

While I have no doubt Republicans will not stop trying to end our democracy, this ruling shut down one avenue they had to pursuing their dreams of more autocratic rule.
Moore v. Harper ruling was issued by the SCOTUS today and they have thwarted the Republican dream to end meaningful democracy in America. SCOTUS ruled 6-3 that states must follow their constitutions for Federal elections and the state legislatiures can't over rule the eleciton and send their own alternative electors in place of the will of the voters.

This is largely a gerrymandering case. And the ruling is that state supreme courts have jurisdiction in determining district boundaries. Your doomsday scenario is a possibility only under the vastly broader interpretation of the case, and, by the way, would be a weapon that either side would apply.

Perhaps that's one a priori reason why I think you fail to grasp that our "democracy" has already ended.

And it is too much of an imposition for you to post the occasional link that supports your neutral political opinions?
and once again it's NOT a democracy anyway, it's a republic if we can keep it and we haven't.
It's not a democracy

it's a constritutional mempublic

It is a rather important distinction that prevents one branch of government or cadre of individuals from exerting too much influence on the rest of us. Ironically, this case we're discussing illustrates the importance of the balance of power in government. The imbalance of our present government, created by the undue influence and power of one man, the president, who was supposed to have the least influence in government, illustrates that we must constantly check and balance the checks and balances. So, yes, our Constitutionally Limited Republic is extinct.

EDIT: In addition is the weight of the lobbies and the corporations that purchases favors at the voters' expense.
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There is more than enough to impeach Buck, the Bucks sold out the country to the Chicoms back in the day. But that only means Harris. Buck'd between a rock and a hard place. I had no idea RJK Jr was in such enormously great physical shape. He can definitely do more pushups than Buck and Trump combined. Maybe even more than I!
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