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Billups Signing


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2011
I thought it was a stupid signing when they did it....looks like I was right. He is washed up garbage. 2 year contract to boot! Another brilliant move by Joe D!
He's nowhere near what he was as a player obviously, but I do like having him here if nothing else than to be a sort of player/coach and a leader for the younger guys like Jennings and KCP. He's been to the big dance, so he knows what it takes to win and he can teach these guys in that regard. We haven't had a person like that on the team the last few years it seems like. He's already started calling the team out recently:

I think I've watched every game and I only remember saying to myself Chauncey is washed up a few times earlier in the season, when he had a few bad games. He has been a lot better as of late from what I've seen. I think it was the Portland game where we went on a 18-2 run when he came in. He gives the team composure and knows how to run a offense, that's all he needs to be.
this franchise will forever be crippled by dumars' devastating decision to sign a veteran backup PG to a 2 year deal. WHY DIDN'T HE JUST LISTEN TO YOU???

if chauncey's shot starts falling from 3 anytime soon, and there's no reason to believe it won't, then his contract is well worth it. if not, he's slightly overpaid. this is stupid.
Billups is done.

it's sad to watch, i hope he retires after this season.