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Border chaos

One person took all the stuff? That's actually impressive. Also, it's not robbery, it's theft. In DC there is Theft 1 and Theft 2 with $1,000 being the dividing line. Theft 1 is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and Theft 2 is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 180 days in jail. Also, the penalty for Theft 2 can actually be as high as 15 years if it's your third conviction.

Hopefully now you understand a bit more about this issue rather than just reacting to the latest video on social media or talking point on Fox.

It's cute that you think this is how it works in real life. The effect of setting the law at $1k ($950 in California) is that cops don't even bother making arrests or even responding to calls.

So while shoplifting has spiked massively causing stores to leave urban areas all over the country (San Fran, Boston, Seattle, etc), because no arrests or reports are being made, the crimes don't show up in the data. Some Dem lawmakers and DAs are actually trying to take a victory lap claiming crime is down because much of it goes unreported and calling the companies racist for closign stores in their cities.

I'm shocked you haven't already made that argument as I have no doubt you believe it.
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One person took all the stuff? That's actually impressive. Also, it's not robbery, it's theft. In DC there is Theft 1 and Theft 2 with $1,000 being the dividing line. Theft 1 is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and Theft 2 is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 180 days in jail. Also, the penalty for Theft 2 can actually be as high as 15 years if it's your third conviction.

Hopefully now you understand a bit more about this issue rather than just reacting to the latest video on social media or talking point on Fox.

Theft. Acknowledged. I don't watch Fox. The issue is that the CVS is closing because theft is apparently free. Actually, it pays, since street vendors are paying teens to steal so the vendors can sell the stolen goods, right outside the store.

I wonder if knowingly purchasing stolen goods is a crime.
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that America is fundamentally racist and there is an epidemic of antiminority violence, particularly from police. That white supremacy and systemic, institutionalized racism is a problem impacting the lives of minorities.

Even George Floyd's death was a lie. He wasn't murdered by police, he died of an overdose of fentanyl.

And all of these falsehood narratives far too many now accept as gospel only divides and benefits China, Russia and Iran. America is on a Path to ....you know the rest.
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Douche box zero will never get it until it's in his backyard or affects him directly that's how most of they do. I put him on Ignore because he can't be reasoned with so why bother.
Douche box zero will never get it until it's in his backyard or affects him directly that's how most of they do. I put him on Ignore because he can't be reasoned with so why bother.

We're all children of God. We're all flawed in some way. But also capable of loving and of being loved. JBH has his point of view but we'll never get him to consider ours by ignoring him.

So I'm doing all I can to present mine in a reasonable way and I have already learned something from him.
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We're all children of God. We're all flawed in some way. But also capable of loving and of being loved. JBH has his point of view but we'll never get him to consider ours by ignoring him.

So I'm doing all I can to present mine in a reasonable way and I have already learned something from him.

Good luck with that.
Funny how those on the right are so worried about people committing misdemeanor offenses while completely ignoring Trump's 91 felony charges. I get it though, stealing boxes of classified documents is no big deal, it's that desperate migrant trying to better their life that we need to concern ourselves with.

You ain't seeing bigger image. And one concern doesn't nullify the other.
Funny how those on the right are so worried about people committing misdemeanor offenses while completely ignoring Trump's 91 felony charges. I get it though, stealing boxes of classified documents is no big deal, it's that desperate migrant trying to better their life that we need to concern ourselves with.

yeah, that's exactly what's happening. Funny how those on the left are so worried about the end of Democracy and fascism while completely ignoring the fascism of the current administration. I get it though, importing millions of unvetted migrants, weaponizing the DOJ, IRS, etc, etc to target and imprison your political opponents from the POTUS to people praying outside abortion mills, colluding with big tech to violate private citizens' first amendment rights, lying about a virus, vaccines, the threat of white supremacy to transform the country and take more and more control over our lives is no big deal compared to mean tweets!

Good thing your team is working so hard to save America from the bad orange man.

Edit: I forgot Catholics for going to mass and parents attending school board meetings on the list of dangerous political opponents Biden and his DOJ are saving us from.
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yeah, that's exactly what's happening. Funny how those on the left are so worried about the end of Democracy and fascism while completely ignoring the fascism of the current administration. I get it though, importing 10s of millions of unvetted migrants, weaponizing the DOJ, IRS, etc, etc to target and imprison your political opponents from the POTUS to people praying outside abortion mills, colluding with big tech to violate private citizens' first amendment rights, lying about a virus, vaccines, the threat of white supremacy to transform the country and take more and more control over our lives is no big deal compared to mean tweets!

Good thing your team is working so hard to save America from the bad orange man.

That?s why it?s on auto skip can?t see beyond its OMB programming. Too far gone
Do you know how much Dems care about securing the border? This much....

Texas Dem rep Joaquin Castro is calling on the Biden Administration to take control of the Texas National Guard if they don't stop securing the border between Mexico and the state he represents...

Please, tell us more about how Republicans are the problem...
LOL you're a walking billboard for all the lies and conspiracies the radical right spends their days and nights spreading on social media.

But I get it, when Hunter gets charged, it's because he's guilty. When the very same DOJ charges Trump, it's only because they were ordered to do so by Biden. Biden is pretty bad at the whole corruption thing if he doesn't even protect his son, don't you think?

As we've already established, you don't base any of your comments in reality and can't back any of them up with facts. You spew the same lies as the rest of the cult and think that if enough people say the same thing over and over, it becomes the truth. Can't blame you I guess, that's how Orange Hitler does it and you're only following your leader.

LOL, "conspiracy theory" and "orange man bad" - 1 arrow in the quiver. You're really crushing the internets today...
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Anyone here house a migrant yet?


I for one would not for IMO it would be far more compassionate to tell them there are not enough jobs here for the massive influx and America is on the verge of bankruptcy, and that you should return to your homeland

the na?vet? in this statement is something else... you really have no idea who is leaving and why.

You think people are willingly leaving decent homes they could just go back to, to risk their lives trying to come to the US?
the na?vet? in this statement is something else... you really have no idea who is leaving and why.

You think people are willingly leaving decent homes they could just go back to, to risk their lives trying to come to the US?

Neither do you, there is little to no vetting.
Showdown in Texas this weekend.