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Bristol "Abstinence Only" Palin preggers again


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2011
Bristol, you ignorant slut!!



"Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one," Palin wrote. "At the end of the day there’s nothing I can’t do with God by my side, and I know I am fully capable of handling anything that is put }inside{ of me with dignity and grace."

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I'm sure someone will find a way to blame Obama and the Dems for this.
That's what sluts are for..no?

Don't forget your raincoat, b/c these fundie females are fucking fertile!

Fuck that. I'm knocking her up so her mommy can have an atheist as her daughter's baby daddy. Talk about entertainment!
Go ahead Bristol. You can admit that abstinence only sex education doesn't really work now. Any time....
the Palin family is putting out statements about their continued pro-life stance as though they matter, or anyone cares.

great work... bringing another Palin into the world. just what we f*%king needed.
Someone should tell Bristol next time to stick to anal. That way she can still pretend to wave the abstinence flag and wont have a bun-in-the-oven pop up to out her for being a lying whore again.
Someone should tell Bristol next time to stick to anal. That way she can still pretend to wave the abstinence flag and wont have a bun-in-the-oven pop up to out her for being a lying whore again.

she has no control over her behavior. read her tweets: this was the Christian god's plan for her.
great work... bringing another Palin into the world. just what we f*%king needed.

Is the kid going to be the kid of the most recent ex-fiance, the Marine dude Dakota Meyer?

Or did she get busy with somebody else since they called off the wedding?

Or was she getting busy with somebody else while she was actually still planning the wedding?
Is the kid going to be the kid of the most recent ex-fiance, the Marine dude Dakota Meyer?

Or did she get busy with somebody else since they called off the wedding?

Or was she getting busy with somebody else while she was actually still planning the wedding?

Who knows? Vegas is giving equal odds the father could be any white, male, American patriot... Reverend Pat Robertson, Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, that Fox and Friends Host who hit that guy with an axe, every active duty soldier, sailor, pilot, or Marine, any given U.S. veteran (except those that become peace activists). This list is long.
I thought that only gold-digging groupies of musicians, celebs, and pro-sports stars planned on having unplanned pregnancies?

"This pregnancy was actually planned."

"Everyone knows I wanted more kids, to have a bigger family. Believing I was heading that way, I got ahead of myself. Things didn’t go as planned, but life keeps going. Life moves on."

Disclaimer: Below is Bristle's blog page, I accept no responsibility for any religious viruses or malicious Godware attacking your OS after clicking on the link:

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Is the kid going to be the kid of the most recent ex-fiance, the Marine dude Dakota Meyer?

Or did she get busy with somebody else since they called off the wedding?

Or was she getting busy with somebody else while she was actually still planning the wedding?

She became engaged ~3 1/2 months ago, coincidentally about the time that she could have learned that she was pregnant, IF the rumors are true that she has entered her second trimester.


Bristle was the benefactor of an immaculate conception, With God using His Holy Spirit's blessed sperm to impregnate her.

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Screw you! You're trying to take away my god given right to make sure that no gay can have a marriage and you want to force me to have to make a cake for their wedding reception. You must accept my hate. Christian persecution!

p.s. Bristol made a mistake. We must forgive her and cannot judge her because we are all God's children.

I don't care that two gay guys have two kids and don't care if a hypocrite has two. They can do whatever they want