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CJ Expected Out Sunday

Maize&Cheese304 said:
I absolutely hate the lakers and yankees.

And idk. I liked them before I actually liked/watched sports. My dad always liked the packers some, so I just started too. Same with the mariners. He's a redskin and redsox fan. Somehow we both like michigan though.

Idk if its the same everywhere, but fans here are just annoying assholes. They act like beating northfolk st or the rams makes them the greatest team ever.

I'm assuming most are fans of the Stillers in that area? That was probably the thing I hated most about my time at Pitt, Steeler fans. Annoying as fuck. They could be an 8-8 team and miss the playoffs, but somehow are still the NFL's best team.

As far as WVU goes...that's all the state truly has from a sports standpoint, so I get it. I give the hoopies a hard time, but it's all in jest. But yeah they can be just as bad, if not worse, than Steeler fans...
Yeah but atleast the steelers win some years. Wvu doesn't. Congrats on winning the big east..I guess.

And they'll talk shit about how I like green bay, and how they're out of state. As if the steelers play in wv lol. They make it sound like I'm a bandwagon. When the browns and bengals are just as close as the steelers, but they just happen to like the team with 6 super bowls.
Hate hate hate HATE Steelers fans and West Virginia Steelers fans especially. Obnoxious assholes about a team that doesn't even represent them.
lionsftw said:
Hate hate hate HATE Steelers fans and West Virginia Steelers fans especially. Obnoxious assholes about a team that doesn't even represent them.

That makes you sound like a pretty obnoxious asshole yourself. It isn't there fault WV doesn't have a pro football team. In my case I'm from KY and live in TX now only been in Michigan once and that was to the U.P. but have been a lions fan for 17 years and will always defend the team.
Yeah but the fact that they pick the steelers over the brown,bengals,ravens 99.% of the time because of their history. Is dick
yeah Cheesy hit the nail on the head. I would be willing to bet if the brown or bungels had 6 ships and the steelers hadn't done jack they would be rocking orange and something. they're just dick riders.
Even in fictional universes, Cleveland teams cannot be winners.
It's like a lot of the people I've met up here are buckeye fans too. is it because they love Ohio or OSU? NO! Its cause OSU is a national power house and WVU is hot like once ever decade.