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Ka-Zoo Trump Rally


Aug 2, 2011
Anyone back in Michigan go to this?

It?s just occurring to me as I?m watching this on television-there aren?t a whole lot of opportunities in a lifetime for a person to attend a rally for a president at the precise and exact moment that that president is being impeached.

A good friend of mine in Kalamazoo has family members that are attending as Trump supporters, or at least I guess so ? and then she also has friends who are attending as protesters.

She said she couldn?t go herself because she?s working.

I?m not a Trump supporter, but if I were back there, I would be tempted to go and just observe for the sheer irony of it.

"She added that she could not oppose impeachment "because I believe President Trump is guilty of wrongdoing," nor could she back it "because removal of a sitting President must not be the culmination of a partisan process, fueled by tribal animosities that have so gravely divided our country."

this makes a lot of sense. Maybe she's someone that I could get behind ;)
"She added that she could not oppose impeachment "because I believe President Trump is guilty of wrongdoing," nor could she back it "because removal of a sitting President must not be the culmination of a partisan process, fueled by tribal animosities that have so gravely divided our country."

this makes a lot of sense. Maybe she's someone that I could get behind ;)

Except for the wrongdoing part. What was the crime for which he's been impeached? Nobody can name one! The articles are a joke.

It's truly laughable now and will become even moreso if/when Pelosi decides to withold the articles. One way or another, this will all go poof. And that will be the signal for the lunatic left (a.k.a democrat base) to riot in their cities again.
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Except for the wrongdoing part. What was the crime for which he's been impeached? Nobody can name one! The articles are a joke.

It's truly laughable now and will become even moreso if/when Pelosi decides to withold the articles. One way or another, this will all go poof. And that will be the signal for the lunatic left to riot in their cities again.

notice she said "wrongdoing" not "crime"
notice she said "wrongdoing" not "crime"

Then she should have had the balls to vote no. That would have earned her bi-partisan support and consideration. But she wanted it both ways which is not exactly the hallmark of a leader.
I think Trump is a horrible president, and corrupt as shit, but I have generally came around to a similar position as Tulsi and don't think he should've been impeached over this.

His policies generally reflect the bipartisan consensus of most of Washington DC...

There's a bigger difference between Pelosi and Bernie Sanders than there is between Pelosi and Trump.

This whole thing is a bullshit pageant. A distraction.

It might even make Trump more sympathetic and help his reelection chances, and I think as long as that keeps him in office over a true reformer like Sanders, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, etc. are AOK with it.
Then she should have had the balls to vote no. That would have earned her bi-partisan support and consideration. But she wanted it both ways which is not exactly the hallmark of a leader.

well, since she has a vagina, she probably doesn't have any balls.
I think Trump is a horrible president, and corrupt as shit, but I have generally came around to a similar position as Tulsi and don't think he should've been impeached over this.

His policies generally reflect the bipartisan consensus of most of Washington DC...

On the first part, I'm impressed. It tells me you're open to argument and reason.

On the second part, I disagree. Nobody in Washington, Republican or Democrat, was willing to take on trade, immigration, borders, China, NATO and more, until Trump came to town. He's a total disrupter of the status quo. He is the farthest thing from "the bi-partisan consensus," if such a thing exists.

I can agree with you that Sanders would be a reformer. Although his style of reform would be crazy, in my opinion. But let's not pretend that Trump is not also a reformer.
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AOC didn't agree with Tulsi, Tusli's stance was very reasonable IMO. AOC can go stuff Amazon boxes
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Then she should have had the balls to vote no. That would have earned her bi-partisan support and consideration. But she wanted it both ways which is not exactly the hallmark of a leader.

I?m going to say not necessarily.

A vote not to impeach could be viewed as a recognition of the validity of the process.

I see non-participation as more of an expression of utter disdain for what had transpired, more than wanting to have it both ways; I see it more as wanting it neither way. I see it as an expression sheer invalidation.

Tulsi struck out on her own path as a HOR army of one.

Now...THAT-that I see as a Hallmark of leadership.
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AOC didn't agree with Tulsi, Tusli's stance was very reasonable IMO. AOC can go stuff Amazon boxes


And fuck AOC.

Figuratively, but also literally, of course, if I had the chance.

Because, ya know, I am, after all, a dude, and she?s hot.

And fuck AOC.

Figuratively, but also literally, of course, if I had the chance.

Because, ya know, I am, after all, a dude, and she?s hot.

Trump should ditch pence and offer the VP to Tulsi I know it won't happen but damn Tinsel Trump/Gabbard 2020 would win in a landslide.