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Pros and cons of joining a religion


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
  • for the unimaginative, gives you a way to spend your Sundays
  • provide easy answers to tough questions, allowing you to relax your tiny little mind
  • get to enjoy the fellowship of a group of similarly close-minded, exclusionary, and judgmental people
  • a lot of chanting, kneeling, holding hands, and bowing of heads if you're into that sort of thing

  • you'll be the victim of increased mockery on the internet
  • have to tithe to fully enjoy the benefits of your religion
  • if your religion is the minority faith of your geographic area, you risk discrimination ranging anywhere from the disapproving scowls of your neighbors, to beheading
  • may have to interact personally with the creepy weirdos that become clergy, and even pretend to like them

Why do your Pro's sound like anything but?

BTW - your second bulleted Con on having to tithe is patently wrong. I know you don't care, but hey, thought I would let you know it was purely due to your own jaded experience that you think so.
you can finally stop whining about people who don't care what you think about their faith.

Why do your Pro's sound like anything but?


I guess the LOL I started with wasn't much of an indicator that I got the dumb anti-religion joke.

Typical Champ response to something I post. Can't imagine why you continue to respond when you probably don't even read what I post.
Are you Don Rickles long lost bastard son?