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remember the trolls??


Active member
Aug 4, 2011
ok, so I know everyone here thinks this at least once but most wont admit.. but with that in mind, which troll do you miss the most? this board is awesome but what someone also posted in the past was that they kinda missed the bs the trolls would spew. so who do you kinda sorta maybe not miss from the old board?
groin attack and UB...even though, UB wasn't really a troll, sometimes his posts came off that way.
and where or where has mr ASStech been? lol geeez theres no way they couldve "grown up"
All the recent trolls ....DJDinkyDick, AssHat_Ohio & HSM (assuming they're not one guy and clearly DJ was at least 5-6 logins alone) were lame. There used to be witty trolls who'd run smack ..a couple Ohio* fans, but I don't miss one. OSUNSTLCHUMPZ is still at work on the OSU board and he's pretty funny but we had a bunch of losers who reported posts after flame-baiting.
Maybe those of who miss the senseless and illogical crap spewed by the trolls should designate a dunce cap troll ID of the week to create more rift. It would then be their responsibility to imitate their favorite troll under a predetermined login/password (same for everyone). Essentially it would be a cyber game of tag. Everyone would know the troll poster ID, but only the person it and the previous "it" would know the password and who is actually it. Just a thought.
I concur with GROIN_ATTACK.

Aztec was okay. he was a buckeye troll, but he wasn't a complete dumbass like the rest of them.
I kinda miss CitgoBilly from the Big Ten board. he wasn't really a troll, but his posts cracked me up.
What I hated about some trolls is they would talk shit 98% of the time but if an off topic opinion thread popped up about politics, movies, music, beer, etc...they would be all over it. Acting all buddy buddy...it's like...GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!
MichChamp02 said:
I kinda miss CitgoBilly from the Big Ten board. he wasn't really a troll, but his posts cracked me up.

HaHaHa, CitgoBilly was great.

"Jist goiung to do sum fishin' wit my cousin and his frend"
A Christmastime or two ago, I had had a couple of pops and looked on the old board late at night to see that ClarkstonDevil or something and Popeye or something and a few other trolls had littered the board with a whole slew of troll threads, so I started shooting back at them on all threads - it was pretty fun and I thought it was kind of funny, and a few board regs the next morning commented on it the next morning; they seemed to be amused.

I remember MichChamp posted something about it, and MaizeandBlue09 created a certificte of meritoriousness for me or something - I printed it out, and still have it somewhere...I'll have to ask the wife where it is....