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The Official Minnesota vs ][V][ichigan Thread


Senior Member
Aug 3, 2011
The official word is that Denard should probably maybe most likely play today. Regardless of who does play QB today I see Borges calling a very vanilla offense. IF the Oline can open some holes this should be a day of old school run it down your throat BigTen football.

Fitz with a solid day and just over 100 yds rushing. Rawls will finally get some carries in the second half and will rip off about a 35yd td run. A linebacker almost gets a pick-six but is caught from behind. AND, this is the week.....NORFLEET COULD...GO...ALL....THE....WAY!!

][V][ Go Blue
Is this our first game in Minny's new stadium? I believe it is.
Looks more and more like Denard is NOT playing today. Devin looks to get the start. BREAK OUT OF YOUR SLUMP FITZ!!!!! GET RAWLS ON THE FIELD BORGES!!!
Go Blue!!!

9 AM kick off PDST (for two more days, then we fall back) no B1G Network and I don't feel like going out this early.

So it's internet radio for me this morning.
Looks more and more like Denard is NOT playing today. Devin looks to get the start. BREAK OUT OF YOUR SLUMP FITZ!!!!! GET RAWLS ON THE FIELD BORGES!!!

But Hoke has said all week that Denard would play. He wouldnt lie to us just to make Minny think he was playing would he? (sarcasm in case you were wondering)
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I still expect this team to sail with Devin at QB, at least against Minnesota anyways. I guess we'll see.
With Devin at QB, who's going to drop the ball on the big pass plays?
hoke never guaranteed denard would play just thst he planned on ut

injury does not have clear recovery
With Devin at QB, who's going to drop the ball on the big pass plays?


i hope dilio an have a good day but maybe minn will realize they need to vover him

i think he slipped under the radar a few times
hope funch gets a good day
Floyd got beat on the 9 routes all last week too..... someday a QB will actually hit the receiver with the ball.
So tired of Denard and his damn injurys. Cant wait for him to be gone!

He got the bumps and bruises epidemic his first year (which by the way, Braxton Miller has seen this year too) and with the exception of his concussion against Illinois, last week was the first time he missed a half of football, and today is his first missed game.

Shut the fuck up.
With no Denard im predicting an upset today. Denard is all that this offense has/had.

Minn 27
UM 13