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tOfficial All Things AOC Thread


Aug 2, 2011
I?ll start.

?Thank God for AOC. With Trump gone, Washington DC was on the verge of facing a catastrophic drama queen void.?
We already have one of our own. Here's one example of many that you may have missed...

We already discussed this on the board. Pete Buttigieg should post here.

We concluded:

- High speed rail, and passenger rail in general, are bad and possibly even a tool of Satan.

- America is the greatest country on Earth, BECAUSE we can't build high speed rail here.

- You can only build high speed rail in countries that are small, like Germany, Japan, and France.

- You can only build high speed rail in big countries, like China, if they're not California (which is a bad place), or have union labor. China is also a bad place, but not as bad as California.

- Like hardly any countries have high speed rail, and anything that says otherwise is BULLSHIT.

- You must ignore the fact that high speed rail in the US, where it's been tried, had a far higher cost per mile than even France, which has even stronger unions than the US. If you read an article that this is because political and financial corruption in the US is out-of-control, you're the DUMBEST PERSON of ALL TIME. Besides, we know this can't be true, because the US is the greatest country on Earth. DUH.

- If you listen to lobbyists from the oil, airline, or automotive industries, or the myriad of trade groups those industries fund, who go on TV and tell you high speed rail is bad you're a smart independent thinker.

- If you question the motives of any of these industries, believe they might actually manipulate public opinion, or have actively conspired to oppose rail and other public transit in the US, you instantly become THE DUMBEST PERSON OF ALL TIME, and TOTALLY STUPID.
Hijacking the climate crisis to push social issues is dirty pool.
My OP was as much mocking Trump as it was AOC.

I like to jab all of them.

Jay Leno was like that.

“I would get hate mail equally from both sides and go ‘That’s fabulous, that is exactly what I want.’” - Jay Leno, 2019.
Maher needs to read more DSF, he has it all wrong. The Dems are losing because they shifted to the right after electing Biden. Everyone knows that.
After comedian and political activist Alex Stein filmed himself telling Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) she is his ?favorite big booty Latina? on Wednesday, the politician posted to Twitter claiming she was going to ?deck him.?


Doesn?t everybody pose for selfies while giving the peace sign with the person right before they ?deck? them?

I wonder how far inside the Capitol she got before removing the mask?
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Oops...Not only is the grid nowhere near ready and the reliability issue unresolved, but seems like the tech itself isn't safe yet either.

AOC is right, we should switch to 100% renewables now, what does Amazon know about this crap anyway.
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Oops...Not only is the grid nowhere near ready and the reliability issue unresolved, but seems like the tech itself isn't safe yet either.

AOC is right, we should switch to 100% renewables now, what does Amazon know about this crap anyway.

I know, right?

I don?t think AOC took a lot of science nor engineering classes in college.

A lot of her energy ideas seem to rely on power from unicorns farting rainbows, which from what I read, is a lot further away from happening than people like to think.

I hope that?s not true, because in 2035 when gasoline powered cars are are outlawed in California and people are prohibited from charging their electric cars because the power grid is down, fart generated unicorn rainbows could be the difference between life and death.
I know, right?

I don?t think AOC took a lot of science nor engineering classes in college.

A lot of her energy ideas seem to rely on power from unicorns farting rainbows, which from what I read, is a lot further away from happening than people like to think.

I hope that?s not true, because in 2035 when gasoline powered cars are are outlawed in California and people are prohibited from charging their electric cars because the power grid is down, fart generated unicorn rainbows could be the difference between life and death.

Or the at least the difference between driving and walking/riding a bike (or taking a bus or high speed rail)?

Are they outlawing gas cars as of 2035 or just the sale of new gas cars by then? There?s a Rush song about that - Red Barchetta. I used to think the lyrics were kinda dumb but now they seem kinda prescient at least for the People?s Republic of California.
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