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Wildcard Tiebreaker Madness


Aug 6, 2011

I am rooting for option #6 bit with the Yankees up big tonight they would have go 1-5.

Scenario 6: Five-team tie

Long live chaos! This is such a long shot that MLB, which devoted 2,463 words to its tiebreaker rules, didn't even bother teasing out what a five-team tiebreaker looks like. So it's not really clear how this would play itself out after the season.

Here's how it can happen.

The A's go 5-0 against Seattle and Houston, the Mariners rally and sweep the Angels, the Blue Jays win 3 of 6 vs. New York and Baltimore, the Red Sox win 2 of 6 vs. Baltimore and Washington and the Yankees win 1 of 6 vs. Toronto and Tampa Bay. Everyone wins 90 games.

That's it.

One more time: This is an extreme long shot. And it would involve a lot of good teams playing garbage baseball, so perhaps it's not the scenario worth rooting for. But if entropy is your jam, if anarchy is your angel, if bedlam is your raison d'?tre, then spend tonight rooting for Oakland and Toronto and hissing at New York, Boston and Seattle.

Chance it happens: .001%, or 1 in 100,000
What about head-to-head records? Would that not factor in somehow?
What about head-to-head records? Would that not factor in somehow?

I?m sure they do somehow just unsure.

Red Sox?..89-69
Blue Jays?88-70

Looks like Oakland?s losing streak has them eliminated.
If the Jays and Mariners somehow snuck into the WC game, that would be just fine with me.
Yankees vs. Red Sox
Dodgers vs. Cards

Whoever gets to broadcast the WC games must be thrilled with those two matchups