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ALCS Prediction Thread

My fan loyalty is of course to the Tigers and I don't care how they do it as long as they win.

BUT....I will pick like I am an unbiased and have no loyalty to any baseball team. I say Boston is 6. I love our pitching but our offense is still struggling to score runs with any consistency. We need to find a way to split in Boston. I do think the 2-3-2 format favors the road team (us).
Red Sox in 7.

I think the Tigers somehow find a way to split the first two in Boston. Verlander can't sustain this roll he's on though, and Boston will have more success against him than Oakland (they couldn't possibly have less success!). Tigers take two of three in Motown, but Boston wraps it up back at Fenway in 6 and 7. The Tigers just do not play well there for whatever reason. Hope I'm wrong!!
Red Sox in 7.

I think the Tigers somehow find a way to split the first two in Boston. Verlander can't sustain this roll he's on though, and Boston will have more success against him than Oakland (they couldn't possibly have less success!). Tigers take two of three in Motown, but Boston wraps it up back at Fenway in 6 and 7. The Tigers just do not play well there for whatever reason. Hope I'm wrong!!

So the Tigers are up 3-2 and lose with Scherzer and Verlander pitching? No way.
remember in games 6 and 7 all hands will be on Deck they could use Fister or Sanchez in the pen if needed
So the Tigers are up 3-2 and lose with Scherzer and Verlander pitching? No way.

*Shrugs* it's just a prediction. The Tigers do not play well in Fenway plain and simple so I'm basing it more off of that. The Red Sox have a lineup that is capable of putting up 4 or more runs on both Scherzer and Verlander, and with the way our offense has gone, it's not out of the realm of possibility. Visions of 20-4 are dancing in my head as we speak.
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*Shrugs* it's just a prediction. The Tigers do not play well in Fenway plain and simple so I'm basing it more off of that. The Red Sox have a lineup that is capable of putting up 4 or more runs on both Scherzer and Verlander, and with the way our offense has gone, it's not out of the realm of possibility. Visions of 20-4 are dancing in my head as we speak.

I know and Verlander/Scherzer can be fantastic and still lose with this offense.
The homer in me means that I could never pick perennial ESPN darling the bahstun dread sux to defeat the Tigers in any postseason series, even if they were heavily favored. Their mouth-breathing, entitled, and conceited fanbase "nation" is one of the most despicable in all of professional sports, IMO.

I am actually ashamed to admit that I rooted for the ballclub to break their supposed curse in the '04 postseason, but have deeply regretted doing so ever since then.

Tigers in 6.
I WANT to say Tigers in 5 so we can clinch at home, but my gut is tellin me Tigers in 7, with Verlander doin the same thing to the bosox that he just did to the A's.
Tigers in 6.

With a healthy Cabrera, Tigers are the favorites, with him dinged up it's pretty much a toss up, as will it be if they advance regardless of who they face.

But with the playoffs being more about luck than anything, I'll always be a homer and pick the Tigers.
With the pitching matchups.Win the 1st one and I'll get my broom out and dusted off. Tigers sweep. Tigers better win it in 5 thoe. Do not see them winning any in games 6 and 7 at Bosox.
Tigers in 4. They keep riding the high from game 5 win and roll over Boston.