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Introduction & Downtime


Cam’tn Crunch
Mar 22, 2021
Nashville Sounds
Cleveland Cavaliers
Nashville Kats
Pittsburgh Steelers
Nashville Predators
Tampa Bay Rays
Nashville SC
Vanderbilt Commodores
Hi guys,

My name is Cam, and I am a 27 year old based in Nashville, TN. I am a big sports fanatic, and I am quite the computer/internet nerd. The best of both worlds, I think! I am also the new Administrator of this community. :)

I'm sorry for the issues with downtime these last few hours. Changing servers can be a pain in the butt in terms of DNS propagation, especially when you're utilizing software you aren't particularly familiar with. Anyway, if you are seeing this topic, then it has propagated for you and you are seeing exactly what you are supposed to be seeing. :)

If you guys have any friends still seeing the old site (there is a topic titled "Welcome back" in the Announcements forum on that server), please ask them to clear cookies/cache, or potentially go into Command Prompt and type in "ipconfig/flushdns"

Anyway guys, I am ecstatic to be here, and I am excited about the future of DSF! All the best to y'all. Stay safe during this wild winter weather!

Last edited:
Just to note:

Still some construction going on. Currently working on getting SSL error resolved (so that https will work again), and then I'll need to overhaul our email situation here. Bear with me guys!
SSL issues should be fixed. Guys, please let me know if y'all are having any issues at all. Thanks!
anybody else getting a bunch of pop up adds ever since they made the changes? I'm getting a full page pop up about once an hour.
Hi guys,

My name is Cam, and I am a 27 year old based in Nashville, TN. I am a big sports fanatic, and I am quite the computer/internet nerd. The best of both worlds, I think! I am also the new Administrator of this community. :)

I'm sorry for the issues with downtime these last few hours. Changing servers can be a pain in the butt in terms of DNS propagation, especially when you're utilizing software you aren't particularly familiar with. Anyway, if you are seeing this topic, then it has propagated for you and you are seeing exactly what you are supposed to be seeing. :)

If you guys have any friends still seeing the old site (there is a topic titled "Welcome back" in the Announcements forum on that server), please ask them to clear cookies/cache, or potentially go into Command Prompt and type in "ipconfig/flushdns"

Anyway guys, I am ecstatic to be here, and I am excited about the future of DSF! All the best to y'all. Stay safe during this wild winter weather!


I’m your favorite poster right?

I’m funny as hell, I live in Hollywood and I’m a movie star (adjacent).
anybody else getting a bunch of pop up adds ever since they made the changes? I'm getting a full page pop up about once an hour.

Sorry, I’ll have that fixed ASAP. I’ve been using AdBlock on here, didn’t realize the previous owner’s ads were still up… not sure why there would be pop ups all of a sudden though. Wonder if he’s playing around with his Adsense for another one of his sites, lol.

Will be fixed as soon as I get home.
Disabled Adblock and I see what you mean…
The weird thing is that they were only displaying on mobile for me, but not on my laptop.

I’ve removed the ad codes that were placed above the quick reply box. Let me see if there are ads anywhere else.
Removed a couple more. I believe that is completely it. Let me know if you guys see anything else out of the ordinary.