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NBA Conference Bubble Finals


Aug 6, 2011
Eastern Conference

#5 Miami vs #3. Boston

Miami Wins Series 4-2

GM #1 Miami 117 Boston 114 Final ot.
GM #2 Miami 106 Boston 101 Final.
GM #3 Boston 117 Miami 106 Final.
GM #4 Miami 112 Boston 103 Final.
GM #5 Boston 121 Miami 108 Final.
GM #6 Miami 125 Boston 113 Final.


Western conference

#3 Denver vs #1 Los Angles Lakers

Lakers win series 4-1.

GM #1 Lakers 126 Nuggets 114 Final.
GM #2 Lakers 105 Nuggets 103 Final.
GM #3 Nuggets 114 Lakers 106 Final.
GM #4 Lakers 114 Nuggets 108 Final.
GM #5 Lakers 117 Nuggets 107 Final.
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Holy shit the nba is sucking Boston’s dick in game 4. They so want a Boston vs Los Angles series. So many bad calls have gone against Miami in the last minute. So obvious what the refs are trying to do.
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