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Shocking! Study reveals rich people lie, cheat, and steal more


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Link. How do you think they got to be rich???

You actually believed it was through "hard work" and they would "create jobs" if you lowered their tax burden?


This part is my favorite:
Another study provided some insight into people?s inability to understand the nature of their privilege.

The participants played monopoly but the game was rigged. At the beginning of the game, a coin was flipped and the winner of that coin-flip was given twice as much monopoly money and was also allowed two rolls of the dice instead of one.

Of course, the participant who started out with twice as much money and also got to roll the dice twice on each turn eventually won the game.

You might expect the winner to be gracious in victory since they were afforded such a privileged starting position.

But the privileged players weren?t graceful at all, instead, they routinely bragged about their wealth and became fairly insufferable throughout the game.

Worse than that ? after the game when they were asked why they think they won, most of them spoke of their brilliant tactics, their finesse at the game of monopoly and their daring moves.

Lol. Trust fund babies are the worse of these !
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No wonder there are so many poor lazy people. They must just give up, since according to this guy, hard work isn't the way you get wealthy...you have to luck into it.
I live in Los Angeles.

I could have told everyone myself that people with bigger, pricier cars drive like assholes more than other people.
I live in Los Angeles.

I could have told everyone myself that people with bigger, pricier cars drive like assholes more than other people.

where I live, everyone drives like an asshole.

One observation that I have made. When I'm in "poorer" areas around here...a lot of people don't obey common driving laws. Two of the biggest infractions that I see that are people stopping at a red light and if nobody is coming...just go. The second is using the middle turn lane as a passing lane. These people are almost always in shitty cars.
The Monopoly experiment seemed hinky to me.

How could the participants not know that some were getting two rolls of the dice and others were getting only one roll?

How could they not have known that it was determined by the coin flip that had happened earlier before the game?
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I live in Los Angeles.

I could have told everyone myself that people with bigger, pricier cars drive like assholes more than other people.

In Michigan everyone tends to drive like an asshole. Maybe 25% of the public have discovered their turning indicators. Love those guys cutting across 2 lanes of traffic without even signaling.
where I live, everyone drives like an asshole.

One observation that I have made. When I'm in "poorer" areas around here...a lot of people don't obey common driving laws. Two of the biggest infractions that I see that are people stopping at a red light and if nobody is coming...just go. The second is using the middle turn lane as a passing lane. These people are almost always in shitty cars.

I've seen it in the extremes; I also saw that behavior in BMWs or Audis in Chicago, or around here in enormous $50K Ford 150s, Silverados and Tundras.

I'd wager in the poorer areas it's borne of desperation and a lack of education; in the rich areas, it's borne of the sense of privilege shown in the Monopoly experiment. or around here in extremely garbage theories of individuality and libertarianism... like "it's better if we all ignore traffic laws because FREEDOM"
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In Michigan everyone tends to drive like an asshole. Maybe 25% of the public have discovered their turning indicators. Love those guys cutting across 2 lanes of traffic without even signaling.

This is common all over the country.

it really is insane we let most people drive cars.

I think the majority of the population - regardless of race or wealth or income - is not responsible enough to drive reasonably. they should walk, or take buses or trains, except for the fact that by design, most of our stupid country is reliant on cars for transportation.
The Monopoly experiment seemed hinky to me.

How could the participants not know that some were getting two rolls of the dice and others were getting only one roll?

How could they not have known that it was determined by the coin flip that had happened earlier before the game?

I think that's the shocking thing... that's how stupid most people are.

the "born on third, thinking they hit a triple" analogy holds true for most of the human population.
the "born on third, thinking they hit a triple" analogy holds true for most of the human population.

Most of the human population aren?t born on third.

Most are born out in the parking lot, directing drivers where to park.
Most of the human population aren?t born on third.

Most are born out in the parking lot, directing drivers where to park.

I wanted to flesh out that analogy a bit; I mean the mentality is common, even to those not born on third.

Take those parking lot attendants and swap them out for guys born on third, and you'd get the same results.
I wanted to flesh out that analogy a bit; I mean the mentality is common, even to those not born on third.

Take those parking lot attendants and swap them out for guys born on third, and you'd get the same results.

Maybe when a parking lot attendant gets a few nicer cars in a row to direct, that attendant will feel superior to the other parking lot attendants.
I'd wager in the poorer areas it's borne of desperation and a lack of education; in the rich areas, it's borne of the sense of privilege shown in the Monopoly experiment. or around here in extremely garbage theories of individuality and libertarianism... like "it's better if we all ignore traffic laws because FREEDOM"

In our state, in order to get a driver's license, everyone takes the same drivers ed classes. Can't blame it on education. Everybody with a license should know that the turn lane is not a passing lane and a red light is not just a "suggestion" that you stop.
MC's method of self affirmation is rather peculiar. I think of the "three fingers pointing back at me" quite often.
MC's method of self affirmation is rather peculiar. I think of the "three fingers pointing back at me" quite often.

I get no particular satisfaction by knowing I live in an incredibly unequal, and unfairly so, society, or am a member of a species where self-importance and delusional thinking are so common place.

It makes me want to live on another planet. or in a cave somewhere.
I get no particular satisfaction by knowing I live in an incredibly unequal, and unfairly so, society, or am a member of a species where self-importance and delusional thinking are so common place.

It makes me want to live on another planet. or in a cave somewhere.

Be a man; die to self and move on.
I get no particular satisfaction by knowing I live in an incredibly unequal, and unfairly so, society, or am a member of a species where self-importance and delusional thinking are so common place.

It makes me want to live on another planet. or in a cave somewhere.

Every society ever has been this way-including the societies of other species.



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