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Signs of the Apocalypse


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
This isn't sign #1, but it is for
this thread: (FAKE NEWS)CNN reporting that "Thieves in California are stealing scarce water amid extreme drought, 'devastating' some communities"

article mostly blames illegal marijuana farmers... "The amount of water that is being stolen to water those (marijuana) plants has a huge impact on our local aquifers,"

This is bad:
Water pressure in the area north of Los Angeles dropped so low at one point, it caused "the system to fail," said Anish Saraiya, public works deputy for Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger.

The county has seen up to 18 water main breaks, forcing the waterworks department to spend about a half-million dollars responding to the incidents, Saraiya said.

"It's a growing problem," Saraiya told CNN​
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Why on earth can't we spend on infrastructure?

we can*

* but only if 99% of the ear-marked public funds go to the private sector, in no-bid, no consequence for breach contracts, EVEN if this makes it prohibitively expensive or impossible to actually finish the project.

we're a great nation.
we can*

* but only if 99% of the ear-marked public funds go to the private sector, in no-bid, no consequence for breach contracts, EVEN if this makes it prohibitively expensive or impossible to actually finish the project.

we're a great nation.

no-bid and no consequence is bad policy, but what else do you propose other than private sector construction?
no-bid and no consequence is bad policy, but what else do you propose other than private sector construction?

China seems to be able to build a lot of infrastructure. not very durable though.

maybe whatever they do in France?
China should be studied as an example the way Soylent Green should be studied regarding food production.

We're just warming up anyway.


As many as 200 million people worldwide annually will likely need humanitarian assistance due to a changing climate by the year 2050, according to the International Organization of Migration, which is part of the United Nations System.

The Ecological Threat Register, produced by the Australia-based Institute of Economics and Peace, projects up to 1.2 billion people around the world could be displaced by the middle of this century.
The more I read about climate change, the less I give a crap about what Dr. Suess books are on what shelves beyond a general frustration that we're wasting our time arguing over stupid shit.
The more I read about climate change, the less I give a crap about what Dr. Suess books are on what shelves beyond a general frustration that we're wasting our time arguing over stupid shit.


For me, this has moved from "a serious, but still occasional concern I'm trying to learn more about, but one that I forget about when I'm having fun"


"Fun? Who is still having fun? this is a constant concern in the back of my head, ruining everything I enjoy, and I'm already way behind the curve on planning for myself and my family to have a chance of surviving, and FUCK we are doomed and I feel like I'm heading toward the abyss"
This isn't sign #1, but it is for
this thread: (FAKE NEWS)CNN reporting that "Thieves in California are stealing scarce water amid extreme drought, 'devastating' some communities"

article mostly blames illegal marijuana farmers... "The amount of water that is being stolen to water those (marijuana) plants has a huge impact on our local aquifers,"


"It's a growing problem," Saraiya told CNN[/INDENT]

Yes, yes it is. To often the problems society faces is due to government greed, and the bigger the government the greedier it gets. Cities being overly congested is due to government officials wanting to increase the number of people per sqft in order to maximize tax revenue...only to discover later that they did not properly build out the infrastructure and analyze their resources capacity to meet the larger population density.

The most ironic part is that most Californians even if told before legalizing pot would result in them not having water would have voted for pot over drinkable water!

And still they brag about how they are the most progressive state in favor of the environment. Easy to do when syphoning water from your neighbor states and the ocean I suppose. Those people and fish are not as important as getting stoned damn it!!! And we have wildfires every year, who cares if we are setting new records every year for most acres on fire...it's all part of everyone and everything being "Up in Smoke"!!!
Signs of the Apocolypse: Repubtards are all of a sudden urging their constituents to get the vaccine now that they are seeing a high rate of their base dying off because Jesus didnt save them.
Much of Revelation has already occurred. As for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, no one but God knows.
I'm not banking on it.

Eventually a bio metric digital tattoo will be required in order to participate in society. Today?s it?s a vaccine passport tomorrow it?s the mark of the beast. ETA #agenda 2030
Eventually a bio metric digital tattoo will be required in order to participate in society. Today?s it?s a vaccine passport tomorrow it?s the mark of the beast. ETA #agenda 2030

Yeah, I'm not banking on that either
*Casey Kasem voice* this is our Sign of the Apocalypse Countdown...

Wildfire evacuation in Greece: https://twitter.com/meteogr/status/1423771527577800717

Coming amidst a record-breaking heatwave:
As the heat wave scorching the eastern Mediterranean intensified, temperatures reached 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 Fahrenheit) in parts of the Greek capital. The extreme weather has fueled deadly wildfires in Turkey and blazes in Italy, Greece, Albania and across the region.

Has anyone determined who started these fires?
Has anyone determined who started these fires?

We didn't...:ugh:


But does it really matter? massive fires are GOING to start when higher temperatures and drought dry out vegetation.
It doesn?t matter what you are banking on it only matters what is.

Well, I agree. Hell, maybe we're already there... in 1975 Sen. Frank Church warned of the power that existed THEN to control the American people and it's only grown by leaps and bounds since then. I tried to link to the video footage of it, but it's hilariously censored by YOUTUBE on copyright grounds... "NBC" owns the rights to the video (link)