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The Official THE GAME Game Thread

What pisses me off even more when you think about it.........MSU went into Columbus with a 2nd string QB and won. That is fucking preparation, folks.
Lost a bet with the wife.. You guys like this picture or should I crop it?
how the hell did goddamned hoke keep them closer?

Today was a perfect shitstorm.

My buddy asked me as Michigan was getting trounced "how did the Spartans beat these guys?"

I answered "hey-every week is it's own week?"
Really fucking hate living in Ohio and my Facebook feed right about now.
I really do not want to see either of these teams in the Big ten title game. I guess MSU is the lesser of two evil's..I think..
I have been rooting for Michigan for a long time, and this is a pretty big letdown. It wasn't even close. I thought Harbaugh's excellent coaching would give the team a pretty good chance to win. As of the previous weeks, it seemed like things were going right for Michigan. On the other hand, Ohio State certainly showed their weakness last week. Looking back at the season, though, I thought this is sort of how it would go. After we lost to Utah and had some good wins, I still thought MSU and OSU would be too tough. And I guess I proved right. Not that I need to boast of such amazing predictions.