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Uh Oh


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2011
Just booked my tickets to the ATL! Who will I be seeing there!?
Wish I could say me, but I will be at a wedding in Chicago on Saturday. I'll be totally anti-social and watching on my 5" Galaxy phone screen. Hooray weddings. America. Fuck yeah.
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GBiA and KAWDUP, do NOT tell me that you're not gonna go see M play in the Final Four right in your own back yards.

I think Red and byco really should be heading that way, too...
GBiA and KAWDUP, do NOT tell me that you're not gonna go see M play in the Final Four right in your own back yards.

I think Red and byco really should be heading that way, too...

It's only a 4-hour drive. I'm driving 12 hours back to Charlotte on Friday, so it's a mere around-the-blovk commute. But I'm going to watch at home b/c I have too much other stuff to do.
I would go (or like to) but after a week in LA, followed by spring break in the mountains, followed by a week in Phoenix (I've been in my own bed four of the past sixteen nights and not consecutively), followed by Opening Day at Coors Field this Friday ....

We roadtripped to Minneapolis in '92 with only one guy in our crew having gotten tickets through the lottery. We watched Duke/Cinci at a bar across from the Metrodome and then bought Cinci fans tickets for the Final game against Duke.

If I were in the region, I'd go.

Funny aside: My buddy, an M grad, was told by his diehard Sparty wife that he should go to Atlanta (which he is) because it's so rare for M to make a Final Four. He said he would return the favor in the unlikely event State ever reaches the Rose Bowl!

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Funny aside: My buddy, an M grad, was told by his diehard Sparty wife that he should go to Atlanta (which he is) because it's so rare for M to make a Final Four. He said he would return the favor in the unlikely event State ever reaches the Rose Bowl!



That's funny!

Tell him that if Sparty ever gets to the Rose Bowl, and he comes to the Rose Bowl, my wife and I will take him and his wife to dinner at the best restaurant in LA...or the restaurant of their choice, because there really isn't one best one...

Actually, we'll treat them to the Rose Bowl, too...with the caveat that I can get tickets a la the B1G allocation through the U of M Alumni Association...
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I would go (or like to) but after a week in LA, followed by spring break in the mountains, followed by a week in Phoenix (I've been in my own bed four of the past sixteen nights and not consecutively), followed by Opening Day at Coors Field this Friday ....

We roadtripped to Minneapolis in '92 with only one guy in our crew having gotten tickets through the lottery. We watched Duke/Cinci at a bar across from the Metrodome and then bought Cinci fans tickets for the Final game against Duke.

If I were in the region, I'd go.

Funny aside: My buddy, an M grad, was told by his diehard Sparty wife that he should go to Atlanta (which he is) because it's so rare for M to make a Final Four. He said he would return the favor in the unlikely event State ever reaches the Rose Bowl!


No excuse! Me and two of my buddies backpacked Europe the last three weeks (came home in time to see M beat Kansas and smack the hell out of the Gators). Not only were we not sleeping in our own beds, but we were staying in the dumpiest hotels, trains, planes, and airports. Atlanta is what I'm choosing to do this weekend instead of the new admit weekend at the Ford School :)
Now you're just making me jealous while I was trying to rationalize. ;)

But next Tuesday I will be submitting my Alumni Association Football Saturdays request for ND and Ohio* and last year we went to Dallas for Bama and A2 for Sparty ... so missing the Final Four in ATL sucks, but living in CO and traveling 30 weeks/year takes its toll.
Truth! And I didn't make it to Dallas (thanks god, in hindsight), but I did make it to New Orleans and Tampa for football last two years, plus Brooklyn for the bball game in December.
Where are you on the Tiger game thread, Man?

Sorry, got busy today

orthodontist...get my braces off in 3 weeks

then i had to come home and get a run in now that the weather is nice

was actually able to go 3 miles without stopping. I know, that sounds like it sucks, but I took off like 6 months.
and now that i see the Tigers blew it in the 9th, I'm glad I didn't watch it in real time

fucking Leyland!
Sorry, got busy today

orthodontist...get my braces off in 3 weeks

then i had to come home and get a run in now that the weather is nice

was actually able to go 3 miles without stopping. I know, that sounds like it sucks, but I took off like 6 months.

Same here, only it's been since early-December due to a nagging injury. Felt surprisingly good given the time off.
Truth! And I didn't make it to Dallas (thanks god, in hindsight), but I did make it to New Orleans and Tampa for football last two years, plus Brooklyn for the bball game in December.

Solid work! We also did UTL and the Ohio* games in 2011 but failed to make Nawlins. I'm holding out for the Rose Bowl this year so I can introduce my wife to Tinsel and Mrs Tinsel!
Sorry, got busy today

orthodontist...get my braces off in 3 weeks

then i had to come home and get a run in now that the weather is nice

was actually able to go 3 miles without stopping. I know, that sounds like it sucks, but I took off like 6 months.

Lucky you.

I would have rather had braces put ON than to have suffered through the travesty of the ending of that game.

Edit: Freakin' wisdom teeth pulled, or a root canal, as I think it over.
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GBiA and KAWDUP, do NOT tell me that you're not gonna go see M play in the Final Four right in your own back yards.

I think Red and byco really should be heading that way, too...

9 months of unemployment prohibit it, but I did go check the price of tickets anyway. Lowest I saw was $300 per w/hospitality.
Now you're just making me jealous while I was trying to rationalize. ;)

But next Tuesday I will be submitting my Alumni Association Football Saturdays request for ND and Ohio* and last year we went to Dallas for Bama and A2 for Sparty ... so missing the Final Four in ATL sucks, but living in CO and traveling 30 weeks/year takes its toll.

The wife and I are shopping for a big house; plus putting together plans for two internatonal dream vacations; into Rome and driving up through Italy then over the Alps (including Salzburg, as in Them Hills Are Alive) and then on into Paris; and then the next year, in Jeruselem.

So I'm gonna be right there, jealous, on the couch with you.

Okay, not on the same couch-not even in the same state.

But at least both couches will probably survive the weekend.