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What's the opposite of "draining a/the swamp"?


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
We need a better metaphor to describe the Trump administration.

I mean corruption - even open quid pro quo - is as American as apple pie, hence the swamp metaphor is accurate. "draining it" is anything but. at least prior to this administration, presidential appointees would be selected to maintain some distance between the government office and the organizations/markets it was overseeing. Now they just put those from business directly in these posts with little to no opposition.
draining the Swamp of its murky, muddy water and refilling it with toxic sewage...?
This is more like using a wolf as your sheepdog.

I read a Bannon quote (can't find it) where he was asked what the logic was of nominating individuals who were either completely inexperienced with respect to their agencies' missions, or had been openly opposed and hostile to them, and he said something like the goal is completely destroying federal regulation and oversight.

That's certainly something all Americans can get behind. What the fuck do we need clean air & water, untainted food, workplace safety, public education, competent oversight of our nuclear weapons and power plants, sensible transportation, or healthcare for?!? we're all just going to die anyway.