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2022 Mid Terms

trump just got 1 vote for speaker in the house. LOL Gaetz

I guess Gaetz didn?t go to prison after all.

Maybe the allegations really were bogus.

You just need Trump to get a couple hundred plus votes for prediction to come true.

The actual number depends on how many simply vote ?present.?

I don?t know if the outcome matters on whether Santos gets sworn in or not.

Maybe some Democrats can be persuaded to vote for Trump, just to fuck with their colleagues on the other side of the aisle.
If they aren't careful there going to end up with Rhino's switching to Jeffires and fk us all
If they aren't careful there going to end up with Rhino's switching to Jeffires and fk us all

That is one potential outcome that none of them want that could happen.

This is no good.

You know Buck has to be loving this.
Maybe the one thing that the Confederate Government got right was to limit the presidential term to one of six years. Not that we'd ever see that happen in the United States of America.
McCarthy 0-8, maybe the Republicans should nominate Putin, he?d surely get enough votes
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come on johnny... spartan mack is eagerly awaiting your response so he can read it carefully, and entertain your thoughts in good faith. and he is open to being convinced, and - like any reasonable person - is fully aware that his own arguments may be flawed (as usual).

I knew he would ignore it since he knows there's nothing behind it - just the same old Saul Alinsky playbook. But since you chimed in, how about you help johnny out? Got any examples of racist, sexist, anti-democratic behavior, quotes, policies McCarthy or the Republicans who oppose him for Speaker have exhibited?
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Still no speaker. Just more portion that the America hating Republican Party can?t be trusted to run a lemonade stand much less the US Government. Pathetic.

still no evidence of Republican racism, sexism or anti-democratic behavior. Got any evidence that they hate America? If so, does it prove they hate America as much as the Democrats clearly do?
This is funny.

You didn?t clarify if Kimberly Guilfoyle also dies in the elephant hunting expedition.

And if she does, does she get tusked?

The image of Kimberly Guilfoyle getting tusked is pretty vivid.

The constitution had nothing to do with FDR not having another four years.

That was God.

Also, vice presidential eligibility regarding the time of the succeeding first term was actually in question with Gerald Ford. By a matter of days he wouldn?t have qualified for a second term elected.

Not that it mattered.

Also, if FDR got another 4 years, this country would be in far worse shape than it is considering his policies delayed recovery from the Great Depression by 7 years or more and he's the moron who put on this path to an ever-expanding big government, welfare state.
Johnny is nothing, if not well schooled in his tribe?s hyperbolic rhetoric.

It?s a little hard to make the sexist label stick when one of the more vocal of the extremer extremists is Lauren Boebert, who reportedly has a vag.

Interestingly, humorously, curiously, and ironically, Bobert here is at a crossroads with her longtime HOR GOP GF MTG W/A VAG also, reportedly, who supports McCarthy, and is like ?let?s take the win and get on with it.?

Makes sense to me. You have 90% of the very slim majority on one side, I say, the Republicans should take the win and get on with it.

You gotta wonder when Marjorie Taylor Greene becomes a leading voice of reason in the United States House of Representatives.

I'm not so sure you have to take the win and get on with it. I think a little push back and in-fighting is probably a good thing. McCarthy is at least partly responsible for passing the unpaid for 1.7T omnibus bill. He's one of those establishment Republicans doing the bidding of special and his own interests. As a conservative, I like the fact that certain Republicans are standing up against the swamp critters. I think a little challenge to the establishment is a good thing.

If low information morons like Johnny and MC think that's a sign that the party is dysfunctional and bound to crumble because unlike the Dems, they don't all fall in line and vote lock step with their overlords (particularly when those overlords are some of the dumbest people on the planet like Pelosi and Biden), i'm fine with that too. Democrats are such sheep, they'll turn out in droves to vote for a mentally disabled stroke victim who was a complete failure as mayor of a town of less than 5k people and is obviously racist - the guy once held a black man at gunpoint until police arrived for the crime of jogging through his neighborhood.
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I read MTG leveraged her support for McCarthy to extract promises from him to appoint her to several influential committees. smart.

Boebert is too dumb to work a deal like that.

I don't understand who they want instead, if they're not just holding out for some political gains, like MTG. It's not like anyone else is coming in a close second.

Where did you read that? Green was interviewed yesterday accusing the holdouts of ransoming their votes for special appointments for themselves. She said unlike many of her colleagues, she didn't ask for any committee appointments or chairmanships and didn't expect to receive any in exchange for her vote. She even complained that some asked for appointments for other people, but none recommended her. She seemed pretty upset about that last part.
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I guess Gaetz didn?t go to prison after all.

Maybe the allegations really were bogus.

You just need Trump to get a couple hundred plus votes for prediction to come true.

The actual number depends on how many simply vote ?present.?

I don?t know if the outcome matters on whether Santos gets sworn in or not.

Maybe some Democrats can be persuaded to vote for Trump, just to fuck with their colleagues on the other side of the aisle.

His accuser had already been convicted of making similar false accusations against his opponent when he ran for a local or state office. He made the accusations against Gates after he'd been charged with fraud in a bid to avoid prison. And the media still ran with the accusations without disclosing how clearly compromised the guy was - just goes to show you how desperate the left and their media lapdogs are to get rid of ideological opponents.
I knew he would ignore it since he knows there's nothing behind it - just the same old Saul Alinsky playbook. But since you chimed in, how about you help johnny out? Got any examples of racist, sexist, anti-democratic behavior, quotes, policies McCarthy or the Republicans who oppose him for Speaker have exhibited?

yes, Saul Alinsky (who died in 1972) famously told people to troll their political opponents on the internet. Straight out of his "playbook" ...

And sorry, I think my politics are too nuanced (or whatever you want to call them) now to get dragged into this sort of nonsense. I'm fairly certain I could find racist, sexist and anti-democratic quotes AND behavior from just about every GOP congressperson, but to be fair to them, many of them just say that crap because they have to pander to voters, but in the end, they serve the 1%, just like the Democrats in congress.
yes, Saul Alinsky (who died in 1972) famously told people to troll their political opponents on the internet. Straight out of his "playbook" ...

And sorry, I think my politics are too nuanced (or whatever you want to call them) now to get dragged into this sort of nonsense. I'm fairly certain I could find racist, sexist and anti-democratic quotes AND behavior from just about every GOP congressperson, but to be fair to them, many of them just say that crap because they have to pander to voters, but in the end, they serve the 1%, just like the Democrats in congress.

Clearly you've read "Rules for Radicals" - that first sentence would make Saul proud, even if he never had a chance to browse the internet...

If you think you can, do it before you hurl the accusations, or at least back up the accusations when challenged. Otherwise, shut up and stop hiding behind mealy-mouthed excuses like your politics are too nuanced. There's nothing nuanced about your politics - no matter how hard to try, they're just thoroughly debunked, obviously bad ideas espoused to people slightly less stupid than you. And your playbook of accusing your ideological opponents of racism, sexism, anti-this, anti-that isn't at all "nuanced" either. It's just more of the same half assed attempt to falsely claim the moral high ground so you don't have to make merit based arguments. The fact that you think your leftist heroes are intellectual elites, doesn't make it so.
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0-9. The children will have to reach out to the adults in Congress to get a Speaker. Meaning the democracy hating Republicans need the Dems to save them from their own America hating Freedom Caucus who appear to want to default on our debt and send the entire world economy into chaos as their line in the sand.

Why do people vote for these traitorous and dangerous clown Republicans who literally want to burn the country down in a tantrum?
where voting your conscience = traitorous and dangerous, anti-democratic America hating. This is so monumentally stupid, one would think it has to be intentional, yet it seems to come so naturally for some.
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0-9. The children will have to reach out to the adults in Congress to get a Speaker. Meaning the democracy hating Republicans need the Dems to save them from their own America hating Freedom Caucus who appear to want to default on our debt and send the entire world economy into chaos as their line in the sand.

Why do people vote for these traitorous and dangerous clown Republicans who literally want to burn the country down in a tantrum?

Meanwhile it was libtard mouth foamers that actually did burn half the country down not that long ago.
round 10 on deck, this is getting a little bit ridiculous as Johnny gets more excited and radical.
On the eve of the two year anniversary of the terror attacks of January 6th. Kevin McCarthy is 0-10 because he won?t give into the extremists in congress who supported the January insurrection. Truly a sick clown show.