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Baltimore MD


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2011
Sounds like a great tourist destination.

Mosby (city prosecutor) said her office will no longer prosecute the following offenses: drug and drug paraphernalia possession, prostitution, trespassing, minor traffic offense, open container violations, and urinating and defecating in public.
Sounds like a great tourist destination.

Mosby (city prosecutor) said her office will no longer prosecute the following offenses: drug and drug paraphernalia possession, prostitution, trespassing, minor traffic offense, open container violations, and urinating and defecating in public.

Good. every city should follow her lead.
Sounds like a great tourist destination.

Mosby (city prosecutor) said her office will no longer prosecute the following offenses: drug and drug paraphernalia possession, prostitution, trespassing, minor traffic offense, open container violations, and urinating and defecating in public.

I can understand some of those...with massive regulation. Declining to prosecute an actual crime seems very wrong. I understand some circumstances could lead to no charges filed, but not a blanket statement of not prosecuting any of that.

Maybe we should all go shit and piss in public right in front of her house and then bring some ladies to do some street walking where her kids play. Fuck this country. Both sides have become threats to the country.
Sounds like a great tourist destination.

Mosby (city prosecutor) said her office will no longer prosecute the following offenses: drug and drug paraphernalia possession, prostitution, trespassing, minor traffic offense, open container violations, and urinating and defecating in public.

Let not your heart be troubled.

As long as they continue to enforce the vital, life saving Covid mask mandate, ?Charm City,? the City of Lenore, will Evermore flourish, evermore a shining beacon in the darkness of the Chesapeake night, where the glory of our nation?s banner was so inexorably unfurled.


And that my friends, is how ya sell ice cubes to eskimos, sand in the desert, and condoms at a convent.

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I can understand some of those...with massive regulation. Declining to prosecute an actual crime seems very wrong. I understand some circumstances could lead to no charges filed, but not a blanket statement of not prosecuting any of that.

Maybe we should all go shit and piss in public right in front of her house and then bring some ladies to do some street walking where her kids play. Fuck this country. Both sides have become threats to the country.

calm down.

do you really think the only thing stopping people from pissing and shitting outside are laws against it?

would you shit outside but for a law?

these were laws put in place to criminalize homelessness. It's good they're being repealed. Now they need to build public housing.
these were laws put in place to criminalize homelessness. It's good they're being repealed. Now they need to build public housing.

do you think cities made it against the law to piss and shit outside just so they can make homeless people criminals, or do you think they made it illegal because law abiding citizens were sick of seeing homeless people pissing and shitting in their neighborhoods?
Fines should be a % of wealth or hours of community service and judges should have leeway to send people to get help instead of punishment that they should use often.
calm down.

do you really think the only thing stopping people from pissing and shitting outside are laws against it?

would you shit outside but for a law?

these were laws put in place to criminalize homelessness. It's good they're being repealed. Now they need to build public housing.

Shouldn?t they at least have to carry a baggy and pick up their own shit after themselves and throw it in the trash?

Oh crap - just remember - the bags are an enviro hazard.
Shouldn?t they at least have to carry a baggy and pick up their own shit after themselves and throw it in the trash?

Oh crap - just remember - the bags are an enviro hazard.

and a tool of white supremacist patriarchy - a tax on homelessness.
do you think cities made it against the law to piss and shit outside just so they can make homeless people criminals, or do you think they made it illegal because law abiding citizens were sick of seeing homeless people pissing and shitting in their neighborhoods?

it has nothing to do with sanitation, preventing the spread of disease or keeping public streets from smelling like piss and shit. Everyone knows the only reason anyone would ever piss or shit on a public sidewalk is because no one has given them a free house. Hopefully in the not too distant future, they'll get rid of the laws that make it illegal to break into cars and homes or rob people to support your drug habit.
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Seems like they need to change something. I've heard Baltimore is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.
do you think cities made it against the law to piss and shit outside just so they can make homeless people criminals, or do you think they made it illegal because law abiding citizens were sick of seeing homeless people pissing and shitting in their neighborhoods?

it has nothing to do with sanitation, preventing the spread of disease or keeping public streets from smelling like piss and shit. Everyone knows the only reason anyone would ever piss or shit on a public sidewalk is because no one has given them a free house. Hopefully in the not too distant future, they'll get rid of the laws that make it illegal to break into cars and homes or rob people to support your drug habit.

So you are ok with ppl voiding themselves on your sidewalk, drinking and soliciting in front of your house, usw ... got it.

sometimes you guys are just kinda dumb.
I find myself believing less and less I hear from certain outlets & people.

So Baltimore is a mess? I really don't know. I haven't been there in 30 years or so.

Is it worse than other cities? Why? How does one know?

Do people piss and shit all over cities that don't have laws against it? Seems unlikely. All the people I know go inside to use the bathroom, and would be embarrassed to be seen shitting and/or pissing in public, regardless of whether it is legal or not. I suppose maybe Monster, Byco, TomD and spartanmack hang out with different people than I do, though.
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sometimes you guys are just kinda dumb.

If it's dumb to oppose public-facing irresponsibility, I'll own that. A civil society does not accept that this brand of human behavior is acceptable. It's a regression to more primitive times.

It's, in no way, "progressive." And the authorities who enacted this policy? You think they'll allow "low-level" crime to persist in their neighborhood?

There was a drug house 200 yards from my front door that "hosted" a double-homicide two years ago. It was a known drug-trafficking location. Guys with backpacks, strange cars ever-present 24/7. More than 100 complaints to the local police. They kept watch, but did not intervene until some guy shot two people over a fake Rolex. It still took a year for the federal government to seize the property and evict the owner, who was also a known sex offender.
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If it's dumb to oppose public-facing irresponsibility, I'll own that. A civil society does not accept that this brand of human behavior is acceptable. It's a regression to more primitive times.

It's, in no way, "progressive." And the authorities who enacted this policy? You think they'll allow "low-level" crime to persist in their neighborhood?

There was a drug house 200 yards from my front door that "hosted" a double-homicide two years ago. It was a known drug-trafficking location. Guys with backpacks, strange cars ever-present 24/7. More than 100 complaints to the local police. They kept watch, but did not intervene until some guy shot two people over a fake Rolex. It still took a year for the federal government to seize the property and evict the owner, who was also a known sex offender.

sometimes they raid drug houses and exhibit their haul in the news, and other times nothing happens for months or years.

in this case it's probably because your local police are corrupt, and were being paid off to look the other way.

federal drug laws and police corruption are your real problems there; instead of playing "wack-a-mole" with the local addicts and dealers when one of them crossed too many lines, maybe we should address the structural reasons people turn to dealing, and get addicted?

but of course, since I think that, I must be condoning drug abuse, murder, sex crimes...
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