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Fox News Commenters LOLs


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Aug 1, 2011
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So, the article is about Fox News Facebook commenters and some of the stupid things they say. Very entertaining (especially if you aren't a fan of Faux News)


Some examples of the genius.

On gay marriage: “The Human race will be extinct within 1000 years because there will be no straight couples to populate the Earth. May God have mercy on you all!”

On the big bang: “lies! It was God! Science is the liberals tool. Evolution and Big Bang is pure communist satanic propaganda! accept Jesus or perish. Everything is in Genesis.”

“I believe in the big bang. I believe God said BANG and life started.”

On the Pope: “He is a false prophet and puppet of libs,he will lead those that follow to hell with his lies saying that atheist and gays are good in the eyes of god,they are not and never will be”

On Climate Change: “Global warming is not real and even if it was real it is nothing to worry about as we are in God’s hands. He will decided our fate as a race so no point wasting tax dollars on something we can do nothing about”
C'mon Monster. You can't just quote snippets like that. You are so taking it out of context. Those aren't real Christians anyway.
Funny, they just ran an ad for Hannity on the Fox sports Detroit tigers telecast.

First time I've seen something like that.
The atheists on this board are pretty damn good at judging Christians also.

Atheists are pretty good at judging everyone, not just Christians, don't be so narcissistic. :nod:
Atheists are pretty good at judging everyone, not just Christians, don't be so narcissistic. :nod:

My disbelief in a god is better than your disbelief in a god. It's war!
What's really funny is there are equally intelligent posts made regularly by the Liberals in this forum alone. :p


Those Cons are the extreme, which is obviously the biggest reason the GOP has had less power recently because they continue to lean toward that extreme. As much as I despise both Libs and Cons who go to their respective extremes, I tend to lean more in favor of the Lib extremes because they can at least provide some minute element of sanity/data/scientific evidence/more open-mindedness.

GOP Moderates need to break off that segment and create a new party or let the Tea Party become a 3rd party. I personally believe they would gather a good number of Moderate Dems as well, since both parties are pushing toward the extremes which does nothing to help Middle Class America.
GOP Moderates need to break off that segment and create a new party or let the Tea Party become a 3rd party.

My disbelief in a god is better than your disbelief in a god. It's war!

God damn!!

I've been searching the interwebs for the two part South Park episodes where Matt & Trey mock militant atheism...

Unfortunately, I can't find clips from the South Park episodes...but I did find Matt & Trey talking about their inspiration for the two episodes...

So enjoy...especially all the rest of you hopeless romantic agnostics like me, who find clinging to militant atheism as hysterical as clinging to absurd ridiculous religious tenets (oh my...did I just come off as condensing and superior?)

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If only Teddy were available to break up these companies that are "too big to fail". *sigh*

I'd break with that party over employer supplied healthcare. It might have made some sense back then, but now it's part of the problem. Healthcare industry answers to insurance companies and insurance companies answer to employers and nobody answers to customers.

...might be worth it if big companies got broken up though.
I vaguely remember those after listening to the interview. Surprising they went after Dawkins and said nothing about Hitchens.

Matt & Trey actually put South Park online and they have since before Netflix when that was a big deal. Here's the one you mentioned.


yeah. they asked Dawkins what he thought and he said he didn't care they went after him, but he wished they had made at least made some sort of coherent point in the episode. I guess they were trying to say that even without religion, humans would find things to fight about... okay, but since Dawkins never argued the opposite, going after him for that wasn't fair. the episode ended up being pretty stupid in my opinion.

they've occasionally whiffed pretty badly on social commentary. in that one, they fell for that logically fallacy of religious people... namely that when you criticise their religion, you must be implying things would be perfect without it. you're not... you're just criticizing their religion.

I guess I can't blame them... if I believed in the tenets of an organization that condoned and practiced this (see below), I'd have to resort to logical fallacies as well to defend it.

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my all-time favorite South Park:


for the record, Rainforest Schmainforest is also in my top 10, so I'm not close-minded to criticism of political views I hold...


"Bad Monkey!"
I guess they were trying to say that even without religion, humans would find things to fight about... okay, but since Dawkins never argued the opposite, going after him for that wasn't fair.

That's exactly the 1 thing they say they honed in on in from Dawkin's book, at the 6 minute mark in the interview, the idea that there would be less war in a world without religion. They say it's in there.
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yeah. they asked Dawkins what he thought and he said he didn't care they went after him, but he wished they had made at least made some sort of coherent point in the episode. I guess they were trying to say that even without religion, humans would find things to fight about... okay, but since Dawkins never argued the opposite, going after him for that wasn't fair. the episode ended up being pretty stupid in my opinion.

they've occasionally whiffed pretty badly on social commentary. in that one, they fell for that logically fallacy of religious people... namely that when you criticise their religion, you must be implying things would be perfect without it. you're not... you're just criticizing their religion.

I guess I can't blame them... if I believed in the tenets of an organization that condoned and practiced this (see below), I'd have to resort to logical fallacies as well to defend it.

I'm looking at the end of Chapter 7 right now and I think you whiffed on this post.
That's exactly the 1 thing they say they honed in on in from Dawkin's book, at the 6 minute mark in the interview, the idea that there would be less war in a world without religion. They say it's in there.

Less war =|= no war.