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What's Your Favorite UM-MSU football memory?


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
I think the '02 "Road Paving Operation" is it, even though the game itself was so boring, I don't remember much about it. I remember only that MSU opened the scoring with a FG off a decent drive, but then never came close again. I was also at the game. That was my last UM-MSU game in person. it was sweet revenge for "Clockgate" which happened my senior year.

I forgot we beat them nearly as badly as that, in 2019 (44-10); their fans talk so much shit, even I remembered recent history differently.

Honorable mentions:

- '97 of course - but I remember expecting to win and being annoyed we didn't blow them out. They were solid though and ranked at the time. That was an impressive win.

- '07 - their fans on the message boards ran their mouths about Appalachian State so much it was amusing the way they shut up when they realized they had to accommodate the fact that they lost to the team that lost to Appalachian State

- '05 - Everyone knows "UM only beats bad MSU teams" but this year, they were 4-0 with 3 blowout wins and an OT win in South Bend against a ranked ND team, and we were 2-2 with a lousy home loss to that same ND team and a sloppy road loss at Wisconsin. They beat UI 63-14 or something and John L. Smith was an Offensive Genius who was going to run up the score on us.

Their season pretty much fell apart after that, and they finished 1-5.
Braylon in '04. I remember being so pissed when MSU ripped off a 60+ yard TD run with 9 minutes left to go up 27-10 that I slammed the door of my dorm room so hard I had 3-4 people come out of their room to cuss me out. Needless to say I was in auch better mood an hour or so later.
Braylon in '04. I remember being so pissed when MSU ripped off a 60+ yard TD run with 9 minutes left to go up 27-10 that I slammed the door of my dorm room so hard I had 3-4 people come out of their room to cuss me out. Needless to say I was in auch better mood an hour or so later.

Yeah, that was sweet too. Super frustrating though.

I was watching at my friends' apt., and decided to leave after that run, and one of them called me on my way home and was like "you might want turn the game back on when you get home, ASSFACE" (I didn't live very far away and caught our last score and all of triple - OT)
I?m going to say 1976, I was at the game. I might have been to a Spartans game at Michigan Stadium before, but 1976 was the first that stands out in my mind.

Led on offense by sophomore Rick Leach and #5 Heisman Trophy vote getter that season Rob Lytle, the #1 ranked Wolverines dominated the Spartans 42-10, making Bo Schembechler 7-0 to that point against the Spartans.

Sadly for MSU, All American receiver Kirk Gibson did not hit any game winning/World Series clinching home runs that game.

Bo lost his first game against MSU in 1969. I think he won his next 6 or 7.

I remember that stat that every Michigan coach going back to Bo has lost his first MSU game.

Maybe the worst loss was Harbaugh's... I mean, what a way to lose after having the lead the whole game. Moeller's was rough too though!
Bo lost his first game against MSU in 1969. I think he won his next 6 or 7.

I remember that stat that every Michigan coach going back to Bo has lost his first MSU game.

Maybe the worst loss was Harbaugh's... I mean, what a way to lose after having the lead the whole game. Moeller's was rough too though!

Small price to pay for 100yrs of dominance and I know most Sparty's like to think the series started in 2008. Miracles to win that one game you covet most, means you've been on the losing side more than naught.
Small price to pay for 100yrs of dominance and I know most Sparty's like to think the series started in 2008. Miracles to win that one game you covet most, means you've been on the losing side more than naught.

You?re absolutely right. any win of ours over Michigan in the last 100 years is a miracle, on behalf of Spartan Nation I want to apologize for those wins, we all know they were flukes in some regard and really don?t count. In fact, I?m willing to be the bigger man and say that we should just vacate every win* we?ve ever had in this series.
You?re absolutely right. any win of ours over Michigan in the last 100 years is a miracle, on behalf of Spartan Nation I want to apologize for those wins, we all know they were flukes in some regard and really don?t count. In fact, I?m willing to be the bigger man and say that we should just vacate every win* we?ve ever had in this series.

Hey, no need to be salty... the game is still 3 days away. You don't need to vacate all your wins, just '90, '01, '15, and '21. You can keep the rest.

Anyways What's your favorite memory?

I'm assuming if you polled the MSU fanbase, the majority of picks would either be '90, '01, or '15, depending on the age of the Spartan polled, but '84, '21, '78, or one of the '13/'14 games would be represented.
Probably 2020 when a beyond shitty MSU team started a string of 4 losses in five games that ultimately led to harbaugh hiding in his shell like a frightened turtle, refusing to even take the field against OSU. And now just 2 years later some uofm fans act like the rest of the conference fears them because harbaugh finally won one big game (that he?d probably lose 7 out of 10 times).
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Hey, no need to be salty... the game is still 3 days away. You don't need to vacate all your wins, just '90, '01, '15, and '21. You can keep the rest.

Anyways What's your favorite memory?

I'm assuming if you polled the MSU fanbase, the majority of picks would either be '90, '01, or '15, depending on the age of the Spartan polled, but '84, '21, '78, or one of the '13/'14 games would be represented.

But what about 2017? It did rain after all, clearly slowing down a high powered OKorn passing attack.

On a serious note, 2015 is obviously my favorite and can?t really be topped. Last year was great and right up there. I also loved 2013, the game itself was not exciting but the utter domination from the MSU defense was incredible. The 1999 game was my first memory of MSU football, I don?t really remember it that well but I do remember it. 2001 was a thrill too as a kid.

Most painful was 2004, I was at a Michigan/MSU party with family friends and I declared the game over after we went up 17. 2007 was a brutal heartbreak too as that was my first Michigan game attended.
Probably 2020 when a beyond shitty MSU team started a string of 4 losses in five games that ultimately led to harbaugh hiding in his shell like a frightened turtle, refusing to even take the field against OSU. And now just 2 years later some uofm fans act like the rest of the conference fears them because harbaugh finally won one big game (that he?d probably lose 7 out of 10 times).

The whole 2020 season was a farce all around so unfortunately in hindsight I don?t put that win on the same pedestal as others. But man at the time that was such a shocking upset. In the moment that was incredible to savor in the hurt of Michigan fans, but as the season went along it was clear both teams stunk. After the Rutgers loss the week prior I almost didn?t even watch because I thought we?d lose by literally 50 and almost went golfing instead while streaming the game on my phone.
Probably 2020 when a beyond shitty MSU team started a string of 4 losses in five games that ultimately led to harbaugh hiding in his shell like a frightened turtle, refusing to even take the field against OSU. And now just 2 years later some uofm fans act like the rest of the conference fears them because harbaugh finally won one big game (that he?d probably lose 7 out of 10 times).

That year is your favorite memory, huh? I actually just looked up the results of the 2020 season for the first time (I stopped paying attention after Week 3) I was surprised to see MSU finished even worse in the Big Ten that year, 2-5 vs. 2-4, and with a way worse point differential. And we were in the throes of a nationwide pandemic that's left over a 1,000,000 dead and several times that with long-term health complications... but some fans just love to be miserable, I guess.
But what about 2017? It did rain after all, clearly slowing down a high powered OKorn passing attack.

On a serious note, 2015 is obviously my favorite and can?t really be topped. Last year was great and right up there. I also loved 2013, the game itself was not exciting but the utter domination from the MSU defense was incredible. The 1999 game was my first memory of MSU football, I don?t really remember it that well but I do remember it. 2001 was a thrill too as a kid.

Most painful was 2004, I was at a Michigan/MSU party with family friends and I declared the game over after we went up 17. 2007 was a brutal heartbreak too as that was my first Michigan game attended.

You can keep that one. You deserved to win it & we deserved to lose it.

I was really pissed off at the time, in 2017; I think that was our first loss. but as the season went on, it was clear that team had bigger issues. Not talent-wise, exactly, but a dysfunctional coaching staff.

MLive did a write-up of that game this week, and quoted some former Mich players saying they were baffled why we kept throwing the ball... I think O'Korn had three (3) interceptions in a row at one point. Tim Drevno/Pep Hamilton were a disaster for us. The same problems were there in 2016, I thought, but we had such a talented defense & Jabrill Peppers playing both ways it masked the issues & we still had that other guy coordinating our passing game (not Pep).

both of those Michigan teams teams had no identity on offense and it showed.
The whole 2020 season was a farce all around so unfortunately in hindsight I don?t put that win on the same pedestal as others. But man at the time that was such a shocking upset. In the moment that was incredible to savor in the hurt of Michigan fans, but as the season went along it was clear both teams stunk. After the Rutgers loss the week prior I almost didn?t even watch because I thought we?d lose by literally 50 and almost went golfing instead while streaming the game on my phone.

it's not really my favorite, I just like to troll and trigger the uofm bedwetters on this board. like this guy...

That year is your favorite memory, huh? I actually just looked up the results of the 2020 season for the first time (I stopped paying attention after Week 3) I was surprised to see MSU finished even worse in the Big Ten that year, 2-5 vs. 2-4, and with a way worse point differential. And we were in the throes of a nationwide pandemic that's left over a 1,000,000 dead and several times that with long-term health complications... but some fans just love to be miserable, I guess.

LOL, I already said in the post you quoted that MSU was "beyond shitty" that year, but thanks for the data - that's the whole point, we absolutely sucked and still beat you. And as I pointed out, our record was worse because your team was cowering in their safe space instead of taking another ass kicking from your daddy in Columbus. Have to say, this is the first time I've ever heard someone use the coronavirus as an excuse for how bad their team was - not at all surprised it was you though.
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oh no... stop... I'm so triggered. You're too good at this.
I doubt that.

Just don?t wish death on any other posters or their family or household members.

Apparently that shit doesn?t fly.

the libtard snowflake fascists who run this site are banning death threats now?