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Internet Censorship.

Keep spammers and plants of those sites?

So you're in favor of internet censorship when it suits you and your kind only? :tup:

Nope not at all, just trolls and spammers like they do here as well
Nope not at all, just trolls and spammers like they do here as well

Weren't you just the other day touting 'Who gets to decide what disinformation is'?

How does that same logic not apply here? I'm sure many people think you're trolling here with your infowars and what not. Nobody has even considered banning you. LKP in the Lions forum?
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Weren't you just the other day touting 'Who gets to decide what disinformation is'?

How does that same logic not apply here? I'm sure many people think you're trolling here with your infowars and what not. Nobody has even considered banning you. LKP in the Lions forum?

The Impression I had from my research is that they are filtering out people who try to sign up with names like @DevinNunesCow nipping trolls in the bud before they get started.
Weren't you just the other day touting 'Who gets to decide what disinformation is'?

How does that same logic not apply here? I'm sure many people think you're trolling here with your infowars and what not. Nobody has even considered banning you. LKP in the Lions forum?

you only get banned here if you offend kalinecountry by doing things like telling the truth about the postal service.
you only get banned here if you offend kalinecountry by doing things like telling the truth about the postal service.

speaking of the postal service...did you see that they are planning on replacing their fleet but 90% of the replacements will be gasoline powered? :lmao:
The Impression I had from my research is that they are filtering out people who try to sign up with names like @DevinNunesCow nipping trolls in the bud before they get started.

So if a liberal wanted to post there, it would be fine as long as they didn't make any jokes about conservatives?

Sounds like cancel culture to me. A good safe space though.
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Weren't you just the other day touting 'Who gets to decide what disinformation is'?

How does that same logic not apply here? I'm sure many people think you're trolling here with your infowars and what not. Nobody has even considered banning you. LKP in the Lions forum?

YES! Ban the fuckwad LKP! Seriously!!! If for no other reason then he is a traitor to the Lions. Let him go join a fucking Rams board or create his own personal Stafford Shrine website, but get him the fuck off here.
So if a liberal wanted to post there, it would be fine as long as they didn't make any jokes about conservatives?

Sounds like cancel culture to me. A good safe space though.

I would NEVER support anything Trump related. You know he is laughing over how easy it is for him to make money by creating a site like that.

He and Putin should have spontaneously combusted when they touched like a matter/antimatter reaction, the world would have been better off.
I would NEVER support anything Trump related. You know he is laughing over how easy it is for him to make money by creating a site like that.

He and Putin should have spontaneously combusted when they touched like a matter/antimatter reaction, the world would have been better off.

Did you see the latest Bond movie? There was kind of sort of a moment like that.

If they continue with the franchise, the Daniel Craig movies are going to have to be seen as existing in their own parallel universe.
So if a liberal wanted to post there, it would be fine as long as they didn't make any jokes about conservatives?

Sounds like cancel culture to me. A good safe space though.

As long as it's not part of the moniker. Walk softly
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Did you see the latest Bond movie? There was kind of sort of a moment like that.

If they continue with the franchise, the Daniel Craig movies are going to have to be seen as existing in their own parallel universe.

LOL, no... haven't watched any since the first one with Craig. I probably should binge those sometime.
Did you see the latest Bond movie? There was kind of sort of a moment like that.

If they continue with the franchise, the Daniel Craig movies are going to have to be seen as existing in their own parallel universe.

The Daniel Craig Bond era is sort of its own parallel universe, sort of like the Spider-Man movies beginning with Toby McGuire. Seems like whenever there?s a new actor as Spider-Man, they start over from the beginning.
I was at DSW yesterday looking for new shoes. Took a picture of the box of some Adidas running shoes because they didn't have my size. This AM I got an email from DSW that read "did you see something you like?" with an Adidas ad with the exact shoe I was looking at. Obviously google has access to my photos.

Not sure if it's creepy or a convenient feature because it saved me some time and I remembered to look for them this am.
Who fact checks the fact checkers?

The co-founder of one of the world?s leading ?fact checker? organizations, which presents itself as a supreme authority on which sources of information can be trusted, labeled the now completely confirmed genuine Hunter Biden laptop story a ?hoax?. Weeks before the 2020 presidential election, the legacy media declared the laptop scandal to be a hoax, with Politico and others citing ?dozens of former intel officials? who declared it to be ?Russian disinfo.?

This prompted social media giants like Twitter and Facebook to censor discussion of the story, even locking out major news outlets like the New York Post from their accounts. The co-founder of one of the world?s leading ?fact checker? organizations, which presents itself as a supreme authority on which sources of information can be trusted, labeled the now completely confirmed genuine Hunter Biden laptop story a ?hoax?. However, the story was completely true and (if it were even necessary), this has again been confirmed by the New York Times, which reported this week that emails from the abandoned laptop were ?authenticated? as real.


Journalist Glenn Greenwald described the legacy media?s attempt to cover up the scandal as ?one of the most successful disinformation campaigns in modern American electoral history.?

That cover up was aided by top ?fact checking? organizations, including NewsGuard, whose co-founder labeled the story a Russian ?hoax? at the time. ?My personal opinion is there?s a high likelihood this story is a hoax, maybe even a hoax perpetrated by the Russians again,? said NewsGuard?s Steven Brill during an appearance on CNBC.

As Allum Bokhari notes, this spectacularly incorrect call is crucial because NewsGuard champions itself as an ultimate arbiter on the trustworthiness of news sources. ?NewsGuard has a track record of giving negative ratings to conservative-leaning publications, while giving a positive ?green? rating to establishment media outlets with a track record of publishing hoaxes, like Rolling Stone,? writes Bokhari.

This once again proves that ?fact checker? organizations are merely partisan tools used to bludgeon free speech and censor information that?s inconvenient to the regime.

Despite innumerable examples of brazen disinformation and hoaxes over the last month, including the Snake Island hoax, the fake attack on a Kiev Holocaust memorial and the Ghost of Kiev farce, fact checkers have been largely AWOL.

Whenever stories emerge that are hugely damaging to the regime and the military-industrial complex, fact checkers are weaponized to bury them by falsely labeling such stories ?misleading? or hoaxes even if they are completely authentic.

This then serves to justify their censorship by social media algorithms and the targeted banning and deplatforming of anyone who tries to amplify them. Fact checkers aren?t impartial, independent outlets, they are merely information attack dogs working on behalf of the regime.

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Who fact checks the fact checkers?

I'm sure I wouldn't see it the way infomax reports on it, but there's absolutely a story here. Of all the outlets, it's the New York Times that files an FOIA and sues the State Dept to enforce it.


So the story is being suppressed, but the investigation is not being squashed.

The investigation is being overseen by David C. Weiss, the U.S. attorney for Delaware. He worked in the office during the Bush and Obama administrations, and was nominated to run it by Mr. Trump. Mr. Weiss has been permitted to remain in office until the Biden case is resolved.


What are the odds they're buying time, seeing how it plays out, hoping they don't have to use a pardon to get out of this?

Probably would have been taken more seriously from the start if it didn't have Guiliani's fingerprints all over it.
Fact checkers aren?t impartial, independent outlets, they are merely information attack dogs working on behalf of the regime.

But to your question, while anyone can call themselves a fact checker, it's up to a reader to see if they cite reliable sources. Some fact checking efforts are legit and some aren't.
Babylon Bee Suspended by Twitter Over Parody Article About Rachel Levine