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Tigers vs. whitesox Game Thread September 4


Aug 2, 2011
Detroit Lions
Detroit Tigers
Detroit Red Wings
Boston Celtics
Tigers lineup :
Jackson CF
Ordonez RF
Young LF
Cabrera 1B
Martinez DH
Avila C
Peralta SS
Raburn 2B
Inge 3B
Scherzer P

Tigers vs. whitesox Game Preview.
from espn

Scherzer vs. whitesox.
from espn

Tigers hitters vs. buerhle.
from espn

Gameday from mlb.com

Boxscore from espn
[color=#006400 said:
Mitch[/color]]I'm sick of seeing Inge in there.

we all are, at least Raburns been helping out a little. wonder what Betemet is thinking, here he was brought here to play 3rd,and they bring Inge back and they are sharing time. I don't mind Inge coming in as a defensive replacement late in the game, but him starting is a joke.
Wudda say they just gotta play .500 from here outta wrap it up right? Watching the recaps last night ESPN people were giving the div to the tigers already saying they'll win it now etc.. I was thinking oh gaawd please don't say that! LOL
Would be nice for a series sweep. I never know what Max is going to show up in the last month or so. Hopefully he has a good quality start and we get the win. I'm hoping next year not to see INGE at all in the lineup unless he can get his flick of his wrist power back, lol.
I get Smokey wants to play Raburn, but why 2b?

Let him play RF...FFS we have Santiago/Rhymes who can play better 2b.

I was hoping his days at second were over.
buerhle with the 2nd best era in the AL since May behind JV.
fast worker gets ball back from catcher and throws the next pitch.
I hope the Tigers step out and/or ask the ump for time a few times, maybe break up his rhythm.
the home plate ump cooper might be the same one when buerhle threw both his nohitters, just saying, might not get many calls from him with Tigers batting.
Inge, Magglio, Raburn, these are the players we will continue to see in the lineup vs. lefthanded pitchers whether we like it or not. jmo.
Come on Max, hope you got your shit together tonight.
Scherzer 1st inning,

pierre strike call, fastball low, fastball in ground foul, slow grounder near the middle to Raburn backhands it and throws him out,

popgunramirez fastball strike call, low, fastball in broken bat and ground foul hit his hand as well, low changeup lined to Young and he has it,

konerko first pitch grounder to Inge,

Scherzer with 9 pitches.
Come on Maggs....you gotta hit it deeper then that.
V-Mart coming through again.. 1-0.. Hopefully Scherzer isn't in trash mode tonight..