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Sandy Hook families win ruling against Alex Jones

that would be an awesome burn because you almost have as much credibility as the folks that give out the Nobel Peace Prize (you have less than 0 credibility). And you could brag to your wife about how you won the internets again so she could say "that's nice, turd."

I read your post.
Any Gay Frog updates today?

Gay frog has not yet said a word about this recent court room defeat far as I can tell. He knows he's screwed prolly.

Owen has a clip of a crazy lefty getting triggered over gay frog posters though.
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He's not getting screwed, he's being held accountable for his actions.
isn't that what I implied by he knows he's screwed as in going to lose and be held to account for millions.
isn't that what I implied by he knows he's screwed as in going to lose and be held to account for millions.

Well, he implied that law enforcement engage in a conspiracy to fabricate a tragedy.

We all know that the only conspiracies that law-enforcement fabricates are the ones that cover up the executions of innocent young unarmed black men.
isn't that what I implied by he knows he's screwed as in going to lose and be held to account for millions.

I guess getting "screwed" implies he's being treated unfairly here.
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LOL, yeah, quoting the actual word he wrote while explaining what I thought he meant is "reading things that aren't there."

How many times did you have to re-take English 101 at MSU?

How many times can you miss the point of a joke?
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Gay Frog said today that he is not sending people to any homes to harass kids and that those stories are completely false and it probably antifa taking it to the next level to help ensure he's unpersonend from the world. Or something along those lines.
Gay Frog said today that he is not sending people to any homes to harass kids and that those stories are completely false and it probably antifa taking it to the next level to help ensure he's unpersonend from the world. Or something along those lines.

If you just yell "fire" in a theater, you're not actually telling everyone to rush out of the place either.
Gay Frog said today that he is not sending people to any homes to harass kids and that those stories are completely false and it probably antifa taking it to the next level to help ensure he's unpersonend from the world. Or something along those lines.

Another funny joke
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If you just yell "fire" in a theater, you're not actually telling everyone to rush out of the place either.

It?s not a problem as long as you say, as everyone is trampeling each other over to death in mass hysteria at the exit ?JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST kidding!?

I do that from time to time.

It?s fun.

And it?s a first amendment thing too.

It?s a civil rights issue.
It?s not a problem as long as you say, as everyone is trampeling each other over to death in mass hysteria at the exit ?JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST kidding!?

I do that from time to time.

It?s fun.

And it?s a first amendment thing too.

It?s a civil rights issue.

I've got a sweet hookup with the local theater. I run ads before the preview. I tell everyone to go buy my herbal supplements NOW! GET OUT OF THE THEATER like THERE'S A FIRE!!! (I sort of mumble the 'like' part of it and that keeps me in the clear.)

They tried to stop running my ads after they saw what happened, but I showed them a copy of the 1st amendment.