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Sandy Hook families win ruling against Alex Jones

I've got a sweet hookup with the local theater. I run ads before the preview. I tell everyone to go buy my herbal supplements NOW! GET OUT OF THE THEATER like THERE'S A FIRE!!! (I sort of mumble the 'like' part of it and that keeps me in the clear.)

They tried to stop running my ads after they saw what happened, but I showed them a copy of the 1st amendment.

You?ll soon be giving gay frog a run for his money.

?Infowars? Why bother? We already got that ?fire in the crowded theater? guy to buy bullshit fake supplements from.?
If you just yell "fire" in a theater, you're not actually telling everyone to rush out of the place either.

Yelling fire in a crowded theater isn't expressing an opinion that people can just brush off as such. If he was just expressing opinion, albeit a moronic and reprehensible one, can or should he be held responsible for someone's actions? If Jones was actually calling his followers to action or directly harassing the families of victims and the survivors himself then that's a different story.
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You?ll soon be giving gay frog a run for his money.

?Infowars? Why bother? We already got that ?fire in the crowded theater? guy to buy bullshit fake supplements from.?
That's why I'm in favor of de-platforming him. Less competition.

Yelling fire in a crowded theater isn't expressing an opinion that people can just brush off as such. If he was just expressing opinion, albeit a moronic and reprehensible one, can or should he be held responsible for someone's actions? If Jones was actually calling his followers to action or directly harassing the families of victims and the survivors himself then that's a different story.

Your distinction between an opinion and "fire" in a theater is valid. However, comparing an opinion to Jones misses the mark. An opinion involves judgement. It is not a statement of fact (or an incorrect statement of fact). The statement "children did not die." Is not an opinion. Where our laws draw the line between false statements and their repercussions, I don't know.
They're suing Jones for defamation. a cursory search didn't turn up any of the compaints filed, but all reports just said "defamation" so I don't know if they sued him for anything else, like intentional infliction of emotional distress.

There are actually three lawsuits against Jones over this; the one in this thread, another in Texas where the Judge denied Jones' motion to dismiss, and a third in Texas I didn't see any news about.

Defamation is just a false statement about someone that harms their reputation.

That along with intentional infliction of emotional distress seem like slam dunks against Jones here.

Even before I had kids I remember reading about this shit and thinking Jones was lucky all those parents did was sue him. Could you imagine having someone you love dearly murdered and then a bottom-feeder like Jones claim with no evidence - he's just making this shit up! - that your anguish wasn't real and you were just acting?
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I've got a sweet hookup with the local theater. I run ads before the preview. I tell everyone to go buy my herbal supplements NOW! GET OUT OF THE THEATER like THERE'S A FIRE!!! (I sort of mumble the 'like' part of it and that keeps me in the clear.)

They tried to stop running my ads after they saw what happened, but I showed them a copy of the 1st amendment.

This is good. What sort of sales increase did you see once you started this new marketing campaign?
New official statement from Gay Frog today on subject

Gay Frog issues an official statement on his recent Roku banning and explains how the media is attempting to tie Sandy Hook to this latest ban.

Frog clears the record after hundreds of media outlets simultaneously released articles about the removal, but most of them got the story completely wrong.

In a Washington Post article about the ban they claim, “Roku even heard from lawyers representing the families of Sandy Hook victims, who say they continue to be threatened and harassed thanks to the Infowars-spread conspiracy theory that the 2012 massacre that killed 27 people, including 20 children, didn’t happen.”

WAPO continued, saying, “What might have been the final push, however, came from the lawyers representing the families of the Sandy Hook victims who are suing Jones. Last week, a Connecticut judge ruled those families can review Infowars’ internal marketing and financial documents. The families accuse Infowars of profiting from paranoia to sell more products to Jones’s followers, according to the complaint.”


Also watch: Roku’s Ban On Gay Frog Is A Window Into Future Authoritarian Censorship

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Even before I had kids I remember reading about this shit and thinking Jones was lucky all those parents did was sue him. Could you imagine having someone you love dearly murdered and then a bottom-feeder like Jones claim with no evidence - he's just making this shit up! - that your anguish wasn't real and you were just acting?

This is a good point? And the end of the story has yet to be written.
You?ll soon be giving gay frog a run for his money.

?Infowars? Why bother? We already got that ?fire in the crowded theater? guy to buy bullshit fake supplements from.?

I learned on twitter that Ben Shapiro is also selling supplements and other snake oil jazz to his - uh - intelligent - GAH - (REALLY TRYING HARD TO BE NICE HERE) "READERS." ugh.

Seems *unusual* these "right wing intellectuals" get into that business, no?
Your distinction between an opinion and "fire" in a theater is valid. However, comparing an opinion to Jones misses the mark. An opinion involves judgement. It is not a statement of fact (or an incorrect statement of fact). The statement "children did not die." Is not an opinion. Where our laws draw the line between false statements and their repercussions, I don't know.

I don't know either and I also don't know what he said which is why I said "if" he was just expressing an opinion. I'm not defending Jones - all I know about what he said is what other posters have said here. Whether "children did not die" is an opinion or an incorrect statement of fact is debatable - the first definition I got for opinion is "a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge." Do you have to have "I don't believe" or "I don't think" in front of it? I think reasonable arguments can be made for both sides.

edit: both sides meaning whether or not that's an opinion - not whether or not what he said was reasonable.
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I learned on twitter that Ben Shapiro is also selling supplements and other snake oil jazz to his - uh - intelligent - GAH - (REALLY TRYING HARD TO BE NICE HERE) "READERS." ugh.

Seems *unusual* these "right wing intellectuals" get into that business, no?

Just put on a yamalke, and you can pretty much sell anything to anybody.

I used to wear a yarmulke every time I went to sell something to somebody and the person would say ?oh I didn?t know you were Jewish,? and I would reply ?I?m not-it?s just that nobody can refuse to buy for me when I?m wearing a yarmulke.?

I stopped because I eventually came to think that it just wasn?t fair.

Just put on a yamalke, and you can pretty much sell anything to anybody.

I used to wear a yarmulke every time I went to sell something to somebody and the person would say ?oh I didn?t know you were Jewish,? and I would reply ?I?m not-it?s just that nobody can refuse to buy for me when I?m wearing a yarmulke.?

I stopped because I eventually came to think that it just wasn?t fair.


You should put on your yarmaha-thingie, go buy Ben Shapiro's and Alex Jones' supplements from them, then sell them back to them immediately at twice the price, until you bankrupt both of them.

Then donate that money to striking school teachers in LA, and programs to teach critical thinking.

They'll help educate the next generation not to fall for charlatans like Shapiro and Jones.
You should put on your yarmaha-thingie, go buy Ben Shapiro's and Alex Jones' supplements from them, then sell them back to them immediately at twice the price, until you bankrupt both of them.

Then donate that money to striking school teachers in LA, and programs to teach critical thinking.

They'll help educate the next generation not to fall for charlatans like Shapiro and Jones.

Schapiro seems substantially different from Alex Jones to me.

I?m surprised nobody has started a thread on our teachers strike, it?s a pretty big national story.

On the other hand, I didn?t start one and if not me, then who?

I think the biggest story is that voters and taxpayers in one of the bluest cities in the country like charter schools. UTLA members? Not so much.
Schapiro seems substantially different from Alex Jones to me.

I?m surprised nobody has started a thread on our teachers strike, it?s a pretty big national story.

On the other hand, I didn?t start one and if not me, then who?

I think the biggest story is that voters and taxpayers in one of the bluest cities in the country like charter schools. UTLA members? Not so much.

are you sure?
are you sure?

Am I sure about what?

About Los Angeles being one of the bluest cities in the country?

About Los Angeles voters overwhelmingly favoring charter school expansion?

About the UTLA being steadfastly against it?


I am positive about all three.

All three things are profoundly and utterly true and undeniable per the statistics.
New official statement from Gay Frog today on subject

Gay Frog issues an official statement on his recent Roku banning and explains how the media is attempting to tie Sandy Hook to this latest ban.

Also watch: Roku?s Ban On Gay Frog Is A Window Into Future Authoritarian Censorship


LOL, yes, let's hear from the guy who denied the Sandy Hook shooting happened about why him being held accountable for his reckless and idiotic behavior would be bad for society.

He seems like a perfectly sensible person to listen to...
Am I sure about what?

About Los Angeles being one of the bluest cities in the country?

About Los Angeles voters overwhelmingly favoring charter school expansion?

About the UTLA being steadfastly against it?


I am positive about all three.

All three things are profoundly and utterly true and undeniable per the statistics.

the part about voters supporting it. I am genuinely curious to read it.

in Chicago it was not the case, and it was hilarious when the local alternative press pointed out that all the politicians pushing charter schools had pulled strings to ensure their own kids went to good, non-charter CPS schools.

when you cherry-picked data to do an apples to oranges comparison (test results at the best charters, vs. worst publics), yes charters had a better track record. but even there it was still slanted by the fact that charters could kick problem kids out; the local neighborhood schools had to take them.

Now that charter school teachers across the country are pushing harder to unionize, it may change Rahm Emanuel and the billionaires' support for them; undercutting teacher pay and siphoning off public funds for their own bank accounts is the reason for pushing charters, after all.
Schapiro seems substantially different from Alex Jones to me.

It's because he is. I read articles from the Daily Wire almost daily and I've never seen any supplements for sale there. So I clicked on the link for the Daily Wire store and again, no supplements for sale - it's all books, t-shirts, coffee mugs and other branded junk.

So I googled (actually I binged b/c I'm at work) "Ben Shapiro supplements" and it turns out he is a celebrity endorser for some company that makes training supplements like creatine and protein powder. It's odd that it's not featured on his website, maybe he plugs it on his podcast or something.

He seems like an odd choice for such a company since he's not an athlete or body builder - maybe they couldn't afford a deal with The Rock or Joe Rogan. Now, I'm not saying these supplements are legit but they're the kind of things you've been able to get at GNC for decades. I've never used creatine but I have protein shakes all the time (Kirkland brand).

The one video/article I found critical of the products comes from a youtube channel/blog called "The Progressive Voice" so I take MC's position on this w/ a grain of salt (where a grain is the size of the iceberg that took down the Titanic). Anyway, it doesn't appear to be what some here would have you think. I guess it's just easier to make up shit to discredit people than to debate their positions.
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