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Okay Fine I?ll Start the 2021 (or 2020?) Olympics Thread


Aug 2, 2011
The TV listings title is 2020.

Huge week for Naomi Osaka; she lights the Olympic Cauldron AND gets the cover of the SI Swimsuit Edition. You don?t see that every day.

Russian swimmer Yulia Efimova is a smoke show.

I guess she has in the past tested positive for banned substance.
I thought Russia was banned from this one for doping? I haven't been paying too much attention to these games though (as usual)
I thought Russia was banned from this one for doping? I haven't been paying too much attention to these games though (as usual)

Yeah, you, me, and everyone else.

That?s why it took so long for anyone to get around to getting this dumb thread started.

What happened to the days when we all looked so forward to rooting for Bruce Jenner?

And whatever happened to him?
Yeah, you, me, and everyone else.

That?s why it took so long for anyone to get around to getting this dumb thread started.

What happened to the days when we all looked so forward to rooting for Bruce Jenner?

And whatever happened to him?

Good old Bruce. I watch some Winter Olympics like ski jumping and some skiing. But Summer Olympics, blah.
Yeah, you, me, and everyone else.

That?s why it took so long for anyone to get around to getting this dumb thread started.

What happened to the days when we all looked so forward to rooting for Bruce Jenner?

And whatever happened to him?

he got a sex change operation so he could appeal to CA voters and be the next governor. He said he was sad he missed out on being able to compete as a woman in sports, so politics was the next best thing.

he/she also killed a person with his/her car by driving too fast in wet conditions, but the police in CA were just like "Ah, whatever."
Are the Olympics over yet? I mean, for all time? I think that would be of benefit to society.
he got a sex change operation so he could appeal to CA voters and be the next governor. He said he was sad he missed out on being able to compete as a woman in sports, so politics was the next best thing.

he/she also killed a person with his/her car by driving too fast in wet conditions, but the police in CA were just like "Ah, whatever."

Are the Olympics over yet? I mean, for all time? I think that would be of benefit to society.

they fit the definition of a "boondoggle"

this year, they'll have the added bonus of being a super-spreader event.

I wonder what sort of more infectious coronavirus variants will come out of these games?
they fit the definition of a "boondoggle"

this year, they'll have the added bonus of being a super-spreader event.

I wonder what sort of more infectious coronavirus variants will come out of these games?

I watched one ? one ? swimming heat out of curiosity. There are more than 20 cameras in the pool to monitor the swimmers to make sure they comply with the rules.

I?ll not watch another second of this or any Summer Olympics again. It was more than 30 years since I watched the Summer Olympics ? Seoul 1988 ? the Roy Jones fight.

I mentioned to my wife: ?Jones is going to get jobbed? ? and he was.
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Simone Biles

Following in the shadow of Naomi Osaka about a month ago.

Is this going to be a new ?thing??

"I want to be a world class athlete so I can compete on the biggest stage in the world"

"I don't like being on the biggest stage in the world. I need a time out"
I think that the Olympics should be every 6 years and that they should be held in one city that has all the infrastructure in place so that countries don?t go bankrupt hosting them, with the participating nations paying for the privilege of participation.
I think that the Olympics should be every 6 years and that they should be held in one city that has all the infrastructure in place so that countries don?t go bankrupt hosting them, with the participating nations paying for the privilege of participation.

On the other hand?

I hadn?t heard nor read this before I posted #11. To suddenly have a mind to body disconnect like that in such a situation could be literally fatal.
I think that the Olympics should be every 6 years and that they should be held in one city that has all the infrastructure in place so that countries don?t go bankrupt hosting them, with the participating nations paying for the privilege of participation.

supposedly the people that make up the Olympic Committee are like the worst of humanity... depraved children of European nobility that have no useful skills except asking for money, and their American equivalents.
On the other hand?

I hadn?t heard nor read this before I posted #11. To suddenly have a mind to body disconnect like that in such a situation could be literally fatal.

I think there's an issue here with the press putting expectations on her no one should have, and her (and her family) not doing enough to manage that. Hard to blame a 24-year-old for that.

I really haven't followed the story closely enough to say for sure, but just from watching and reading some of the coverage, it seemed there was an effort by the media to make women's gymnastics into this huge Russia-vs.-America showdown, and this girl cracked under the pressure of it, and now the same people who bully it up are blaming her (or like that loser Charlie Kirk see an opportunity to stir the shit for their own publicity).
supposedly the people that make up the Olympic Committee are like the worst of humanity... depraved children of European nobility that have no useful skills except asking for money, and their American equivalents.

I mean, Rio? Beijing? ? I picture termites infesting a frame house, eating all the cellulose, and leaving.